Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Mind Reading Technology: Telepathy’s Evil Twin?

VIDEO: Sri and Kira explore the mechanical interference of our spiritual nature itself!

HIGHER LOVE Video Radio:
Sri & Kira explore Mind Reading Technology…

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Mind reading technology! It’s more prevalent now than ever before. Join Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa as they take another look at Big Brother and how “the government”-not just in the United States!-continues to manipulate not only our lives, but our very minds. This goes far beyond groupthink: This is mechanical interference of our spiritual nature itself!

From The Manchurian Candidate to Men Who Stare at Goats, Hollywood has been fascinated with the idea of governments using mind control technology… But it’s more real than you might think! Sri and Kira take a revealing look back at the MK Ultra project, the United State’s government’s destroying documents, and how the mind altering techniques used in this CIA secret project were never truly set aside.

Mind control technology and techniques are still alive and well. From medical miracles involving mind-controlled false limbs for amputees to more questionable (and sometimes scary!) decisions such as war drones mentally linked to their pilots.

“Mind reading technology… is this telepathy’s evil twin?” asks Kira. “There’s a part of me that’s beginning to think it is!”

As Sri shares his own experiences with Remote Viewing classes, he and Kira continue to ask the tough questions: Is manipulating our spiritual gifts really wise? Is any of this really for human enhancement? Should anyone have that much invasive power?

What will happen to the future of humanity if we continue to hand our greatest decisions over to machines?

You are not just a brain. And you are not just a heart.

Tune in as Sri and Kira look at the history of mind control, where it stands now, and how we all have an opportunity to make a choice as to where it’s headed. 

Are you ready to stand up and make a difference? 

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