Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Divine Insoulment Library


With dedicated love and presence since 2002, Sri and Kira have tirelessly offered timely and revealing Angelic Messages every month. These messages are spiritual lessons and sacred energy transmissions from the ascended realms. These Angelic Messages are brought forward as “full-body channeling” which is more accurately understood as “Insoulment”. The Messages are free from egoic distortions and earthly attachments while lovingly coded with Divine Wisdom. For your ease of selection, these teachings have been organized into a selection of series. Each themed series contains 12 lessons with titles that embrace the overall theme of the Angelic Insoulment.
These pure messages are offered as a free gift to the world. You may listen to the audio of the original Insoulment or download a transcription. Many find that reading a lesson offers a deeper integration of the wisdom, while listening to an insoulment offers a profound energetic and spiritual experience. You may wish to explore both options and we encourage you to enjoy. These teachings are gifts of love and support from the Archangelic realm. May your heart call you to decide which series and which message to explore first! Just click any link below to access the individual lessons within each of the series listed.

The series presented here are timeless and timely! Many reveal greater messages as the years move forward. You are discovering the perfect lesson for this perfect moment.


Open up the gateway to your Ascended Chakra System. Never before revealed information directly from the Archangelic Realm prepares you for life in the Fifth Dimension and beyond! Your vibrational frequencies will increase as you embrace ever greater Abundant flow and Divine Connection!


Welcome to the Galactic Encyclopedia. Divine Crystalline Teachers known as “The Benevolent Ones”, on our planet for the first time ever, share the Secrets of the Universe for this precious time on our planet. Twelve powerful lessons, including discourses on The Re-Integration of the Cosmology of Light, Releasing Constriction, Five Steps to True Freedom, The Four Knowns, and so much more. Be ready to have your heart melt with remembrance of your true roots and to know the limitlessness of who you truly are.


The Embracing An Ascended Life series began in October, 2006, with a powerful discourse delivered from Archangel Uriel. All of the messages delivered are easily enjoyed on their own, and there is a beauty and recognition of Divine patience when they are taken as a body of wisdom offered to all as a Divine Gift. This series offers powerful gifts to embrace that assist one in anchoring and living the path of Self-Ascension: igniting your attractor field, the breath of life, steps to a Divine heart, compassionate wisdom, Divine attributes, healing the Universal Wound, and more! Welcome the practices and guidance into your everyday life and watch the shifts!


“The Crown of Wisdom” is the first profound discourse offered in this series of lessons that encompass everything from Blessing the Coming Storm to the full recognition of the I AM presence as you have never experienced it before! Learn the powerful distinction between allness and oneness and why you chose to be here on this planet at this very moment. “Discovering the Seed of the Soul” opens up the continuation of this journey into self-discovery and recognition that we are, indeed culminating back into oneness. You may begin here, with part two, or start your journey with part one, either way you will find your way back to the gift of presence, the undeniable truth that YOU ARE and have all-ways been the magic you have been seeking! A powerful journey that will forever shift your life.


Relax into theses very special Archangelic In-soulments from the Essene (Ess-See-Nah) Brethren in conjunction with the T-12. This series unfolds Ancient wisdom and pertinent revelations for THIS MOMENT in history and most of the revelatory content had either been intentionally hidden or destroyed knowledge that is ready to once again uplift the planet and ourselves. The content of this series was delivered in three different continents and fully ignites your passionate knowing. This series also contains Four Essene energetic activations that will ignite your spirit and rejuvenate your soul.


Once again the Ess-See-Nah have come forward to share profound and timely revelations to lovingly assist us all through the critical years ahead. The majestic T-12, (an Ess-See-Nah crystalline energy), begin this powerful series that calls us each to remember that the greatest miracle of all is the blessing of life on this planet, at this moment, now. As you read each lesson take time to fully breathe through each stunning revelation and allow the richness of the message to expand your re-awakened consciousness. The moment of True freedom is at hand, and these Divine illuminations are here to assist all who are ready to experience their full mastery in form.


Eleven NEW ABODES of the Ascended Masters are being revealed and the Masters are Speaking! This powerful series being delivered monthly through 2011 is already proving to be one of the most illuminating ever! Archangel Zadkiel and the Ascended Masters share the countdown to your Ascension through the Year of Divine Service in Action! Through Divine Service, our love and intention is mirrored and infinitely expanded. Whatever you focus upon with great commitment–whatever you bring your energy to–your heart and your love will be mirrored back to you infinitely. As you read and experience each lesson, know that as you choose the energy of love and expansion you form a foundation for manifest miracles as our world shifts into a new cycle.


This timeless series of messages brings forward the stunning wisdom and unified stream of energy from the Crystalline Beings of Divine Light. This series sets the stage for ALL YEARS AFTER 2012 and is considered an essential gift to connect with! Learn the wisdom of the universe and how to harness this energetic alignment into your life experience to achieve greater peace, love, joy and harmony.


Through this powerful series of transmissions from the T-12, The Crystalline Beings of Divine light and the Blue Starborn we are guided on a journey of our divine soul’s knowledge and our ability to manifest through this cosmic awareness. This series contains practical practices and attunements to assist the awakening process and offers deep insights into the day to day experiences of living with an open heart.


The Society of Crystalline Light comes forward with dramatic and truly inspired information that lovingly guides humanity through the process of divine manifestation. This series reads like a guidebook of the mystical and ancient secrets that unlock the riddles of this life experience and open the gateway to stunning abundance and satisfaction with our day to day lives.


The Cosmic Essene Brethren are awake and speaking! The stunning revelations being shared through this series are timely, accurate, and include specific dates and actions for all of humanity to pay attention! This series proves to be some of the most powerful information ever shared through Sri & Kira and offers a virtual roadmap for the seven year Ascension of 2015-2022!