Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Travel as a Path of Enlightenment


One of the blessings of exploring our beloved Gaia is the opportunity to gain some fresh perspectives.  When we visit another culture we expand our own sense of some many things. 

Ideally, world travel stimulates a greater appreciation for the magnificence of life and indeed a greater appreciation for ourselves and humanity. Touching other cultures activates our awareness that there is more than ‘one way’ to achieve happiness.  Travel opens us to an appreciation for the magnificence of the variety of expressions that cohabitate here on planet earth. It is through comparison that we learn.  Through contrast we educate our intellect and indeed our emotions to become more accepting of differences. 

What many people do not initially realize is that travel builds resiliency. The purpose of a vacation is to restore our energy. Our nervous system actually becomes dulled through repetitive patterns of interaction that commonly accompany the typical 9 to 5 lifestyle.  During these times we usually get more sleep and refresh neural pathways.  This refreshment invigorates us on many levels.

It stimulates our clarity and thus propels us toward a more enlightened state.

Travel also opens us to a more worldly understanding and often builds greater tolerance toward differing views and customs.  Travel reveals to us our own prejudices and assumptions, for often we get ‘rubbed the wrong way’.  The experience of discomfort can support self-awareness.

Each and every being has a sovereign gift; that gift is the ability to make choices.  Free Will or Choice is a universal empowerment and all persons enjoy that gift regardless of location of birth, education or title.  Our ability to make wise choices grows as we mature and gain experience.  Travel activates our inner capacity to confront change.  It also helps us gain trust in ourselves.

Regardless of whether you embark on a resurrection vacation with us here in Guatemala or enjoy the many other countries of our planet, your inner clarity will be empowered.  Some of us touch a developing country and feel frightened or uncomfortable; this helps one recognize how committed they are to the stability of their home environment.  Inner clarity and commitment are actually enhanced through the travel experience!

Other people travel and experience a fascination for the myriad of foreign cultures.  They begin to respect the universal life force that expresses through all human beings.  They enjoy the different cultures, art forms and lifestyles and thus feel enriched through the travel.  Travel expands the fabric of their consciousness and actually supports self-love.  As we learn to accept others we automatically deepen our own self-appreciation.

A great example is Guatemala as it can offer a cacophony to the senses.  Between the traffic of the city, the fireworks in the villages, the brightly painted chicken buses and the ever present street vendors, a visitor can at times feel overwhelmed. 
Then, as you relax and breathe, your heart opens and offers you the gift of connection!

The colors, the friendliness and the authenticity of the Guatemalan and Mayan culture finds its way into your heart.   The stunning pristine beauty of Lake Atitlan contrasts against the backdrop of the city and you discover your own personal journey has catapulted. 

Regardless of your personal experience visiting any new country, please trust that you are better for having made the trip!   Your consciousness and wisdom will grow, and your appreciation for all humanity will ignite greater enlightenment.

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