There is a call from the heart. It stirs your soul and brings forward a voice of inner wisdom that emerges from deep within. This voice arises when we are ready to accelerate our spiritual growth. This momentous time on our planet has brought forward rapid acceleration for all. Through this acceleration, the gift to fully re-awaken your divine nature in harmony through this seemingly chaotic experience is yours to claim today!
Through “The Art of Ascended Living”, you will learn to heal negative patterns. It is your time to release limiting beliefs: the moment to fully heal trauma and release all judgments of the self and others! The gift is simple and profound! Once you initiate the journey of sincere surrender, the Peace,(Shanti), Love, (Bhakti) and Joy,(Ananda), that is your true nature steps forward to support you as the journey deepens.
Relax and have mercy on you! We all pass through a veil of forgetfulness when we take birth and this is a gift waiting for you to open. Through the shard human seasons of growth, our consciousness then identifies with our individuated experience as the ego strengthens and we separate further from Oneness.
You are ready to awaken which is why you are here…now! Your heart and soul have unified and offered you the lovingly nudge, ‘the call’ or ‘yearning for Oneness’. The divine and eternal breath of Spirit has wrapped its heart around you and invites you to relax the ego’s grip and re-discover deeper levels of truth.
We are all on our individuated life experience, and your Journey Home is a remembering of our Authentic Self. This includes remembering that we are all eternal cosmic beings having an earthly experience. Your galactic heritage cannot be fully understood by the brain of density. This is perfectly understandable because the density-brain can only relate/interpret things from the context of earthly experiences. It can be challenging to expand the context beyond the brain’s known world.
And! We can each move forward with grace, ease and divine support! Through the sincere undertaking of the Spiritual practices of the Yoga of Self-Ascension and the study of the Twelve Lessons of Light a beauty arises as you soften the ego’s natural resistance and reawaken dormant memories, wisdom and connection.