Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Healing Soul Fractures: The Path of Re-Union - Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension
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Healing Soul Fractures: The Path of Re-Union


by Sri Ram Kaa

As you journey through Self-Ascension, one must be willing to embrace All that you have ever been and All that you have ever participated in, with loving acceptance. Some people call this embrace “forgiveness.” This is partially true. Forgiving is the process of releasing the hurt and the judgment about a situation or person thus choosing to be at peace with the past. Forgiveness does not grant approval to a hurtful action; however, it does release the perpetrator to find their way without your retribution. Some people simply can not allow themselves to forgive unless the perpetrator is brought to “justice.” This binds them to the perpetrator and the forces of justice, thus slowing their personal evolution and freedom. It keeps the victim dependant upon an external action, focused on fulfilling a principle, rather than living their immediate healing. This is a higher order of bondage.

Self-Ascension offers a different perspective toward life’s experiences. Life in a body always involves confrontation with polarity and forces that can wound. One’s Mastery is found by bringing Light to those experiences and seeing the play of energies and karmic forces at work. Through this perspective, one can more easily see the gifts to consciousness offered by those interactions and experiences, using the interactions and experiences to cultivate Divine trust and Divine recognition. This is not about being passive; each has a sacred duty to nourish and protect their body from harm. Rather, it is about becoming less emotionally reactive by bringing trust and mutual respect to all interactions. These energies support patience, discernment and a willingness to embrace All as we move steadily into reunification.

February is the month that sells lots of flowers and candy! Let us use the energy of this month to bring Love to the Allness, celebrating the immense capacity of Spirit to express in infinite nuances of energy! Let us make the Divine our Valentine, by loving ourselves even more, trusting ourselves even more and celebrating the amazing diversity of experiences we’ve co-created along the way.

I AM the Divine in Action and All is Well!

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