Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

2010: The Year of The Great Acceptance - Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension
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2010: The Year of The Great Acceptance


By Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa

2010: Are you ready to remember who you are, who you really are? You are being called to a new life from a new space. It is time to ascend to your authentic self.

The consistent messages from the Archangelic realms along with the mystical Maya tell us now is the time for reunification—on every level of our being. Between north and south, eagle and condor, man and woman, ego and spirit. There is a time of great opportunity in which everyone is offered a chance to transcend the limited egoic-mind and reunite with the soul at the heart of creation.

Our own Sacred Reunion occurred seven years ago. While on a hike in the Sedona desert just days after meeting in person for the first time, Kira dropped to the ground. Suddenly, I found myself dialoging with a being, an Archangel, through Kira’s body. “Congratulations, you have found each other again,” the Angel said, and proceeded to detail our mission together should we choose to move forward with it: to deliver nine books to humanity, sharing the path of Self-Ascension.

I was in shock. I looked deeply into Kira’s eyes, radiating brilliant light, and I felt my heart melt. I began to cry as this angelic energy spoke through her body. When the angel left, Kira looked at me, saw my tears, and said, “What happened? I feel so filled with love and beauty!” From that moment on we have been charged with the gift of assisting humanity – helping all to remember who YOU are.

Now is the moment for YOUR own Sacred Reunion with the self.

Humanity has been living in a cycle of mind chatter. We analyze, scrutinize, mechanize; we do our best to complicate just about everything. However, you simply will not be able to think your way through the coming years and especially the energy of 2012.

You are being called to a new life, a life that is far beyond any form of being mentalized.

Many writings on 2012 provide proposed solutions, answers, pictures, predictions – these types of approaches, or seeking someone else’s idea from the outer world, will not carry you to YOUR highest potential.

Your purpose is to walk within a place of trust on the earth, rather than give up your power to someone who has a perceived credential. We only need credentials when it comes to inventing a machine within the mandates of our societal structures. Your highest degree, you best credential is YOUR LIFE! You are part of this amazing organism that IS humanity.

The blessing of the speeding up of time, the way we are navigating the planet, the way we are co-creating; is that EVERYTHING is designed to assist you to remember the truth of who you are while you still have a body. This is the essence of Self-Ascension and 2010 will be a powerful year to empower this gift.

This is the powerful moment; the rare and glorious opportunity for extraordinary spiritual expansion. Yet, some feel that the change in the air, and the future of our world is out of their hands. The truth is, we are ALL still collectively writing the book on 2012, and beyond. Everyone of us is a co-author and we will be finishing and editing that book together right up until that moment of Divine convergence.

Soon after we were reunited in the desert, we were guided to Guatemala, to forge deep and personal partnerships with the Mayan elders of the Highlands. One of the many things we delight in, is that when we visit with the indigenous people, their simple wisdom evokes deep spiritual reflection.

Deep within the highland rainforests, the Maya have the sweetest little bees, not much bigger than the very tip of your smallest finger – they do not even have stingers. Beautiful winged creatures, they are in harmony with the orchids, cultivating the nectar and producing honey for the community. The Maya know that because the bees are so very delicate, they can only harvest one tablespoon of honey per year. That honey becomes very precious medicine.

The Maya tell us we are ending the time of the people of maize, (corn), and becoming the people of honey. People of maize need to take from the earth. They need to dig in their heels and plant something, forcing it to grow. They worry if the rain will come, if the insects will infect the crops, if the harvest will yield enough. From this place of fear and lack the people of maize end up stealing, begging or blaming.

When the Maya say we are becoming the people of honey, the larger context is that we are returning to a state of exquisite balance and harmony for all of humanity. The time of honey is the golden age that has been spoken about by so many.

It is a level of harmony we have not yet enjoyed because of the ego imbalance present in the way of the maize people. Honey is a gift that is cultivated through patience, flowers and love. When we allow ourselves to embrace our authentic selves, to welcome each other as the people of honey, we let go of the concept of fear, lack and blame. Together, we enter a time of acceptance and bounty.

Your Self-Ascension is in service to the soul, and in service to humanity as the sweetest nectar. It is a welcoming of the time of honey. AND, you will not ascend until you are ready to fully embrace and remember who you are while you still have a beautiful body.

We are at the moment in time where each one of us gets to have clear vision again if we choose to do so. When you start fully paying attention to everything that the universe is conspiring to help you with, you stop thinking and you start accepting.

2010 is the year of the Great Acceptance, and this is the beginning of the larger release of fear and doubt. It is the beginning of remembering who you are, encircling yourself, and others in the true love!

There WILL BE a 2013. Will you choose to focus on the darker vision, the cloud? Or, will you help usher in the time of the people of the honey? Will you choose, now, to remember who you are?

6 responses to “2010: The Year of The Great Acceptance”

  1. So strange…I just finished your book 2012 Awakening. Although much of it was difficult to grasp, I found many things that I’ve known to be true for as long as I can remember. Growing up Christian, I’ve always questioned many beliefs. While I never questioned the teachings of Christ, many of the traditions surrounding the “religion” of Christianity did not make sense with what I knew in my “heart” to be true. I even studied with the Jehova Witnesses for a year. I found much truth in their teachings, more so than in my Lutheran upbringing, but I couldn’t get over the fact that your truth must be handed down from someone sitting in an office somewhere, interpreting scripture for you.

    I will continue to practice the teachings from your book that match with my truth as I know it now. Thank you for your inspirations and insight. It is comforting to know that no choice is “right or wrong”. I have many questions but I know the end-all be-all is not in finding answers. It is simply in practicing knowing my truth and helping others to find theirs.

  2. The sweetnewss of honey in behaviour, the fragrance of flowers in all our thoughts, and the busybee mentality of bringing the two together by the Lightworkers………that surely will be Heaven on Earth! God Bless all the Lightworkers!

  3. The sweetnewss of honey in behaviour, the fragrance of flowers in all our thoughts, and the busybee mentality of bringing the two together by the Lightworkers………that surely will be Heaven on Earth! God Bless all the Lightworkers!

  4. mi ingles es muy malo, pero estoy muy emcionado con la informacion que ustedes tienen. compre una lap top especialmente para estar en contacto con ustedes, pero estoy aprendiendo a manejarla. por favor disculpen los errores. lo unico que puedo decirles por ahora es que yo estoy abierto a toda la informacion que me manden para estudiarla y cooperar con ustedes. atte. heriberto hernandez

  5. al leer el libro 2012 y escuchar los comentarios, siento la sensacion de que todos somos un solo espiritu hablando.

  6. Yo entendio como te sientes Heriberto…estamos viviendo en el mejor momento de nuestras vidas.

    Thanks for having this site and for just exposing to us all such love and understanding!

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