Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Three Steps To Release Doubt and Embrace Clarity


by Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa & Angelic Oracle Kira Raa

What do you really want? This powerful question can stimulate fear, anxiety and downright panic. The most common response to this question is abundance. Yet true abundance is elusive for many. Even those with abundant financial resources may experience lack and fear. There is a preoccupation with not trusting ourselves; leading to the bigger question: Why are we often fearful and unclear?

True abundance offers essential harmony experienced as Peace with oneself and
ones world…the foundation for manifestation. One is unable to manifest from fear and lack. Regardless of how many self-help coaches suggest otherwise, lack of material wealth is a spiritual challenge requiring a healing solution.

Here are three simple steps that will free your doubt as you claim radiant

Step One: All wounds are healed through love. Accept that doubt energy can be healed. This re-claims your manifesting power. Imagine what your life would be like if had no doubts…about anything. Self-love offers self-acceptance. Accept your life as a divine gift. Bring your hand to your heart and declare: “In this moment I trust myself!”

Step Two: Bring your hand to your heart and ask: “Beloved Spirit, show me where I am holding the wound of self-judgment.” State this command out loud with trust and authority. Allow your free hand to float over your body and find a resting place that calls to you. This creates a healing circuit, a link from your heart. Breathe deeply and allow love and trust to flow between your hands. Breathe with gratitude and accept the flow of love.

Step Three: Hand to Heart and declare: “I am the Healing Light of the Divine and I now release and transmute all discord and limitation.”

Gift yourself by repeating steps 1 to 3 daily for three weeks and you will see marvelous results in your life. As you acquire the habit of trusting yourself and releasing doubt, finding the gifts in your life become ever more joyful. Command Spirit to transmute all discord, energize your Attractor Field with
Wholeness, and delight as you empower the experience of true abundance.

3 Responses

  1. I am truly grateful for this gift of healing…I have struggled with lack,limitations,not trusting that the Divine loved me etc… This pofound 3 steps truly is a blessing to me…I asked just yesterday to have faith and to trust…Just to know that I know and this morning I read this…9/22/09 Now I can trust that I am loved and truly guided…I give thanks for your opening up to the Divine and the Angels messages..I too am willing to be open to hear and receive the messages too… I am in prayer and meditation in that I am in the Divnine flow of true love&light…In every moment…Tears of gratitude are flowing right now I am so blessed…Thankyou! Please keeep me and my loved ones in your prayers..Especially my son YB who is having a challenging time in his soul and mind…May he too be transformed by Love….Ashe…Namaste..Love&light..

  2. Dear Sri and Kira,
    what a gift this magazine is! And this article is especially inspiring and powerful. Thank you again for creating this site and offering it so filled with Love. It reaches across time and space and lights my path.

  3. Thank You for this gift of healing. I am finding this method very helpful in my transition from fear based finances to love infused finances. I am grateful and am transforming. I see the abundance coming now. And so it is here.

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