As the journey of duality is navigated, the complexity and attractiveness of the field of the mind of formed creation is so vast that it reflects that miracle presence as its opposite. Miracles into form are the moment when Sincerity, Love and Presence are sustained without ulterior motive or self-interests.
Through adaptation into the customs and habits of this worldly experience these energies are mirrored and transform into reflections of the alchemical principles of manifestation.
Sincerity transforms into Skepticism
Love transforms into Cynicism
Presence transforms into Fear
Skepticism, Cynicism, and fear feed the mind of form. These energies once unified within the field of form initiate the repetitive cycle of victim consciousness. A density trifecta that sustains and creates the self-sabotage cycle.
How glorious that the moment of this linear experience is offering to consciousness the experience of Conscious Awareness of the Conscious Expansion. Simply breathe and let go of the paradigm that would seek to limit YOU.
The density trifecta has assisted to co-create the cycle of the victim, rescuer, and abuser. Sophisticated and supported by the habits of this planetary cycle, they are the food that keep the energies to sustain fear, doubt, and hesitancy.
As the ALL have arrived at the experience of this awareness, this is one choice…Or,
The Alchemical Master that YOU ARE…through the remembrance and recognition of Sincerity, Love and Presence IS…ready…NOW…to command the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation as the Miracle in action. The eternal Divine Mastery Presence that is YOU…is simply waiting for you to arise through the illusion. To relax the egoic presence that is seeking to entrap the YOU and say YES to the ignition of Divine Mastery Presence outside of the fear, doubt and hesitancy.
YOU are eternally patient. The consciousness within that is HERE…NOW…is ready to transcend from Victim-Abuser-Rescuer into the actively present Teacher-Mentor- Healer. This transition opportunity is one of the gifts of the S.T.O.R.M. of 2023. The moment to dive beyond the limitations of judgement and soar into seventh dimensional anchorship as the Sea of Neutrality.
Going beyond Judgement Day
2023 is a cycle of revelation! Through its wide-open eye, the power of the energy of judgement and positionality will be clearly seen beyond any doubt. Many will cry out with declarations that indeed, will have as their foundation, the intention to sustain fear, doubt, and hesitancy with greater robustness.
REMEMBER! Fear is the foundation of the release of your trust in self. Navigating this world of form with freewill, the entrapment into the cycles is all-ways self-imposed through the fundamental release of trust in the self. This is yet another gift of the ever-refining spiral of your ascended consciousness…the knowing that sustains your mastery presence and ignites its presence into conscious awareness.
As you bring a hand to your heart and release a cleansing breath, may your heart receive and remember that Judgement Day is an energy experience that is within the ALL. To lift above and to see clearly…again… that in this worldly experience of form, the energy harnessed around the essence of judgments enslaves you as it imprisons your trust and creates judgment day… now. Breathe that in… again.
In this moment… now… judgment day is here… thereby ALL are judging and being judged. You are the judge, the judger, and the jury!
Celebrate that this conscious awareness is both the indication, and the validation, that the 7th dimensional frequency is open! As the victim consciousness fuels it-self through the energy of judgement, the fourth dimension rises with the spiritualized ego.
The spiritualized ego arose through the evolution of the fear dimension as the fourth dimensional frequencies were gathering more and more support through 2022. This has risen to the expansion of more false prophets with vastly expansive spiritualized arrogant egos than have ever been in power and in power positions.
The blessing of this loud voice, which will try to drown all remaining truth, is that through its very existence it will call forward the equally loud voice of balance. The S.T.O.R.M. feeds the Sea of Neutrality. The space where the fifth dimension has ignited the stairwell of ascended presence and the Divine Master has settled into the throne of the body outside of judgement.
YES! 2023 offers the joy-full moment to honestly look beyond your judgments and see the beauty of the gift of what’s right in front of you. IT IS… then…that the new world will expand…again…with ever greater bounty and harmony through the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.
This is the choice within the S.T.O.R.M. that 2023 is shepherding. Why not lift into the YES of BEing?
Spiritual Arrogance and the rise in Tech consciousness
2023 is a moment of rising tech consciousness as the gateway for anchoring spiritual arrogance. As the technological advances of spiritual activation come forward, many will be carrying frequencies of addiction to further limit your natural capacities to expand beyond limitation.
Spiritual arrogance is fueled by anything that offers a quick glimpse into the Siddhis as verification of expanded states of consciousness. If there is a warning for the S.T.O.R.M. of 2023 it is to remember that ALL technological devices can only ever mimic the creator consciousness of your Divine Mastery Presence.
Here in this moment of potentiality, what is referred to as ancient wisdom and practices that have held these gateways for ALL to access, are at the moment of interface that is the precipice of consciousness IT-self.
The dive into the unknown that carries the trust of SELF fully outside of the Victim experience…or the acceptance of the short cut through technology that in and of itself is unable to comprehend what it has yet to experience.
Spiritual arrogance is an addiction to the experience of feeling special and elitist. It is sly and it is prevalent in 2023. The S.T.O.R.M. that is calling the ALL into the gift of NOW reminds us that energy creates form and form follows energy.
Saying YES to this Potentiality
What an extra-ordinary moment to be HERE…on this planet…now. The 2023 expansion is a rich moment to stand firmly within the divine mastery presence of BEing as the contributor to the expansion. Aware and filled with the joy of the evolution. The excitement of the creation IT SELF. The knowing that it is transcendence IT-self inviting us to step up and be more!
Remember… as a conscious master in form…now:
IT IS… beyond the moment of worshipping or revering Pachamama and Pachapapa
or ANY and ALL other earth-bound deities.
To SUPPORT them, LOVE them and HEAR them… so that THEY may be heard.
it matters not the expression of your destiny…
YOU…ARE…HERE…because IT…IS…expressing…
in the form of highest service of this experience of potentiality.
… and…remember that sometimes the highest service you can offer is to remain outside of sharing the revelations that appear before thee…thereby offering the moment of integrity to arise through the laying down of all ego as the relaxation into service through presence. Igniting and SUSTAINING the smile of eternal presence that assists ALL to say YES…to this expansion of consciousness OUTSIDE of ALL paradigms that are self-sustaining through your lateral experience.