Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

The Tools – Miracle Team

The Miracle Worker’s Toolkit

Tool 1 Tool 2 Tool 3 Tool 4 Tool 5 Tool 6 Tool 7

Tool One: Commanding the Light Upward

To really command the light means that in the midst of intesne activity, you are able to remain serenely calm.  In the midst of  calmness you are intensely active, meaning that you are always conscious of this powerful flow of rising energy.

You ARE Light.  So often we forget that we must command that Light to come forward.

Listen to the recording (below) for the full preparation and teaching.

Practice:  Commanding the Light Upward

  • Upon waking EVERY morning, remember that the mind of the body must be centered in the heart.
  • Bring your right hand to your heart.
  • Make a vow to the divine and to yourself that you will allow your energy to travel upward.  In this day, my energy travels upward.  I am lifting up and igniting my Divine Galactic Blueprint.
  • Lift left hand and command the Light into that hand.  Feel it pouring into your hand. I am universally inspired.  I am cosmically connected.  I am commanding the Light to ignite my heart.  Today I will travel up.
  • When the hand feels full, place it on top of the right hand, over your heart.  Feel the Light pulsing in, anchoring the mind in the heart, and opening the divine portal of energy rising.
  • Take a breath and notice how you feel.

At any time during the day that you feel disturbed, take a moment and notice that what is happening in that moment is that the energy flow has reversed and is moving downward.  We cannot be disturbed if our energy is moving up.

If this happens, acknowledge and notice the downward flow, close your eyes, take a breath and simply apply the practice above to shift the flow upward again.  Notice the shift to calm.




Tool Two: Reconnecting with the Pulse of the Heart


  • PDF Transcript of Insoulment click
  • Insoulment Audio (below)
  • Teachings Audio (below)

INSOULMENT AUDIO: Archangel Zadkiel






Tool Three: The Golden Attractor Field


  • Teachings and CeremonyAudio (below)


Hand position for the Golden Attractor field


Tool Four: The Light Within


  • Teachings and Ceremony Audio (below)
  • Miracle Message from Ascended Master Lanto click here


Tool Five: Ignite Your Warrior Presence


  • Teachings and Ceremony Audio (below)


Tool Six: Engage Your Intentionality


  • Teachings and Ceremony Audio (below)


Tool Seven: Light, Divine Light, Crystalline Light


  • Teachings and Ceremony Audio (below)

To download audio, click here. To listen now, click the arrow below.

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The Tools – Miracle Team

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