Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

2012: Atlantean Revelation Becoming a Mystic in a 9 to 5 World

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2012: Atlantean Revelation Becoming a Mystic in a 9 to 5 World

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2012: Atlantean Revelation Becoming a Mystic in a 9 to 5 World

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Ready to learn the deeper truth of Atlantis, your divine origin and how it all relates to the world right now Discover your Soul Destiny as Sri and Kira share transcripts from their encounters with the Archangelic realm in this mind-blowing book. This higher order of information is shared in the form of a compelling metaphysical romance novel that begins eons ago – elsewhere in the solar system – and is now culminating in their current lives and world mission as teachers and authors. The 12 lessons sandwiched between the transmissions and the profound story, constitute a guidebook for making practical use of the new knowledge and energy available to us all. Complete with diagrams and exercises, these lessons are designed to help readers chart a course to the heart of their own divinity at this most extraordinary moment in the history of human life on Planet Earth.


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