Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Miracle Journaling – Sentence Stems


From Sri and Kira:

The Gift of a Simple Sentence Stem!

Think about it: when you are invited to journal what do you feel? For some it
is the delight of deeper connection and for others it is complete dread and avoidance.
Regardless of your personal experiences around journaling, the fact remains that
when we can call forth our deeper wisdom through the divine channel of our physical
body, revelations appear!

This gift is one that we are honored to share with you each week as part of
further exploration of the Miracle Messages. These extraordinary messages carry
so much depth and revelation that to gift yourself with a deeper application
of theses gifts to your life will expand your personal Miracle Energy and that
of the entire team.

Of course there is absolutely zero “have to” around this expanded
practice. Embrace a moment with the sentence stem if you feel inspired, and
if you simply want to close your eyes and go deeper with the message, please

A sentence stem is just that…a stem. It is a sentence fragment that is intended
to assist you to call forth from deep within the greater wisdom seeking expression.

Sometimes it will also assist us to clear emotional “baggage” along
the way as part of the experience. The key is to simply write the fragment at
the top of a page, take a deep cleansing breath, read the fragment again and
then just start writing. Try not to think or judge your responses. Keep going
until you feel you have “found” it all. And, return to the stem often
to see what else has arrived.

May your journey be self-revelatory and supportive!

And if you have any questions or a need for greater guidance through the process,
please reach out.

We are here
We are Ready
We are Open
We are Guided!

With great love,
Sri and Kira

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