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Who is in dominion of you?
Welcome April and the closure of a profound Mercury retrograde!
The energy on the planet now is about releasing so that we can receive. April is a very intense month and you can be ready for it!
Receiving can only be fully anchored when we have let go. We are in the midst of the opening of the Diamond Portal of Ascension with I AM OPEN. March was about balancing love and wisdom in order to create harmony in preparation for this moment.
There is a choice before all of us, whether we are conscious of it or not. The personal, world, and cosmic stages are being set.
There is a battle for the dominion of You. Where do you want the balance to be: A struggle in the gut our connection in your heart?
Release. Receive. Balance the love and the wisdom to open into cosmic connection. Stay in your heart.
Where do you want to go this month?
Higher Love Radio: Resurrection Through Victim Consciousness
Higher Love Radio: 6 Essential Steps to Enlightenment – How to Survive the Matrix
April 2013 Insoulment: The Journey, The Remembrance, The Choice