Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Ascended Numerology Forecast for July 2024 through Master Lady Kira Raa


Ascended Numerology Forecast for July 2024

through Master Lady Kira Raa

Ascended Numerology, through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation, integrates ALL of the elements. The harmonic combination of Sacred Geometry with an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters), opens the gateway of Ascension vibration through the proper application of the ancient formulas. The moment YOU remember your-self as a Miracle in Action.  The conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation assisting your Divine Mastery Presence as the Yoga of Self-Ascension.

July 2024 = 10 + Infinite

The Divine In-power-ment of ALL Activity harmonized with Manifested Energy!

What happens when ALL of your dreams manifest into form?  For some it is the joy of the moment while simultaneously feeling the grief of what was. Regardless of how it may have looked for the emotional body of form, the dream is here and ready for you to command.

July is the moment where the answer to that question of the manifested dream is before you. The TRUTH of how you feel about it rises lovingly to take your hand and guide you through!  Celebrate that you have arrived…as has ALL of humanity.  The activity sustained through the potency of this manifested energy is everywhere and discovering as many outlets as the vastness of Allness IT-self.

Experiencing the “bombardment” energy of mid-month will reveal the depth of its radiance. The depth of your yes will be the fuel to assist you to soar beyond any sense of self-doubt and into the magical realms of creation it-self. Confidently guiding as the manifestation becomes the formed awareness of this life experience. Welcome home to the you that is ready to create, create, create!


July = 11

Divine Harmony and Divine Energy unify into ONE.

The reflection from the Mirror radiates the Gift of TRUTH.

The full unification of ALL that YOU ARE…is inviting this to BE the moment of truth.  To remember beyond all fear, hesitancy, and doubt that YOU ARE…the beacon and the ONE.  Imagine the moment of knowing that the unified field of balance is yours to command. And has all-ways been.

Yes…the paradigms are shifting, and the world of form is doing its best to command your mastery. This is the moment to remember it is only by forgetting you are gazing into a mirror that would prevent you from seeing your extra-ordinary truth!

You are power-full and filled with the union of BOTH Divine and Manifest energy swirling together as they support your center of creation.  The dream that YOU ARE carrying has gestated. Smile and celebrate that it is time to let the form expand into its most beauty-full expression.

You deserve because you were born. Knowing this truth, remember that the July energy is here to say:

Through your truth, the universe reveals the wisdom that is within.

Trust YOU…MORE…and have fun!


July Mastery Integration Practice:

The Ten Mudras of Divine Light


“These are the sacred mudras that have been in your world for many eons.  This movement of 10 brings you back to the stream of Divine light and beyond.   Back to the energy of only one life.  

One life with a memory of many lives, yet only one life.  It is a continuity of the one aspect of

your Infinite Presence.”

…The Ascended Masters through Master Lady Kira Raa

Relax into this series of mudras, (hand movements) inviting your body to remember through that which is outside of the mind of form.  Practicing this series of 10 mudras with patience, love, and presence, notice how you easily and joy-fully release the mind.  Breathing gently open to the grace-full experience of your Divine Wisdom.

You may enjoy playing music as you practice and can also be standing. It is fine to move your body. Consider this Divine flow as your infinite creation comes forward and your clarity resurrects.

July Ascension Up-level Dates:

All of July is standing on the shoulders of our balance.  With each date we are being invited to call forward the remembrance that when our truth expands with Peace, Love and Joy…every-thing illuminates and falls into place seemingly like magic!  Let July BE that as you surf the field of experience.  Expanded Revelations LIVE w/ Q&A…First Sunday monthly. Noon ET:  YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.

July = 11 Prime     2024 = 8 + Infinite      July 2024 = 10 + Infinite

July 06, 2024: 6

Navigating the new Trajectory Alchemical New Moon

July 10, 2024:  11

72nd birthday of Ascended Master Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa

July 14, 2024: 5 Prime as 7+7

Perseids Meteor Showers Herald the Taurids

July 15, 2024: 6

“Meteoric Mercury” announces it-self as pre-retrograde begins

July 21, 2024:  6

The Full Moon of the Movement of Light



July 2024 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:

The Code of the Soul is one with physical form as called into form through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation.  Through Sacred Union of the body & spirit, this illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “in-formed” experience.  Ascended Numerology has a profound affect upon the physical body experience as part of the monthly energy sequencing.  Gaze at the physical body chart. Release any need to “understand”. TRUST that YOU KNOW!

Balance is the key and carries the potency of the trinity!  Your body is calling and holding ALL at the second chakra.  Literally every-thing is doing is best to Birth into creation and the gestation is ready to complete and birth.

The universe is potent throughout July as BOTH the Divine and Manifest energies are tied to the second chakra experience.  Assisting to co-create this balance for ALL!  Your physical body will remind you about your ability to sustain balance in direct proportion to ALL that you are digesting and all that you are swallowing.

With each breath expand your truth into form and notice your throat.  Truth is rising this month in preparation for the greater amplification of this energy when the Taurids arrive this fall.

Walking, biking, smiling, and balancing!  These are the energies that will sustain your physical form throughout this month of Experience in the reminder that the 1 + 1 will ALL-way BE…ONE!

Love your body and thank it for supporting YOU.

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