Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Introduction to the Weekly Video


Weekly Video Newsletter from Sri and Kira!

Originally delivered to the Miracle Team, Sri and Kira’s introduction to the
March 5th in-soulment is so timely and relevant, that they knew it was meant
to be shared openly. It contains insights on the powerful wave of energy that
is coming in for March, guidelines on how to "Be" with it, and more!

Please read, then click here to view the video.

Though some content speaks directly to Miracle
Team members, its relevance is universal. The Miracle Manifestaton Ceremony
spoken of at the end is held monthly to manifest miracles for the Team, the
Community, the world, and the Universe, including You! The video gives an insider’s
view of the sincerity, love and presence that is brought to this Ceremony.

To receive the benefit of the Miracle Energy brought forth from the unified
Sacred Heart, please email
or if you feel called to actively participate, please visit the Miracle
Team Pages


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