Quantum Healing: Hype or Hope? – Pt 3
The bridge between holistic energy work and quantum healing is “energy.” As the practitioner attunes to energy flows a realization arises that you “use energy;” that you direct energy and, in fact, are an energy-being.
Quantum Healing: Hype or Hope – Pt 2
Today’s article will cover the more “well known” alternative healing methods — the methods we are asked about the most and/or are on the forefront of mainstream consciousness.
Focus: The Manifestation of Miracles
What is it that YOU choose to focus on?
Igniting Our Shields: Igniting Humanity!
A series of messages culminating in a profound video in-soulment.
Our Crop Circle is HERE!
Three years ago, Kira was given the image of a crop circle that would appear at a critical moment for humanity. On July 22nd, that crop circle manifested in full form and welcomed the Mists of Avalon journeyers! From Archangel Zadkiel: “It is within the gift of the 22 that you find us, the Archangelic […]
Authentic Evolution:Spiritual Nourishment vs. Ego Nourishment
Authentic Evolution: Spiritual Nourishment vs Ego Nourishment by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa True nutrition is that which expands balance and harmony, and thus expands true love. True love is all-ways non-judgmental, it simply radiates the energy of Light. For the body, true nutrition offers energy and is restorative without also delivering a toxic […]