This week’s message is from the Ascended Masters at Lake Atitlan:
Beloved beings of great light, it is time to shine, it is time to be, it is time to honor all that you are!
Within this message we seek for thee to recognize that there has not ever been the moment that was not “the time,” however, within the Starseed stranding that exists deep within your genetic framework, it is as if the alarm clock of re-membrance has gone off and the moment to fully embrace your greatest awakened moment is here.
Surrender all concepts of bad, or evil or torment. Let go of the need to justify and validate…for once you do, you will discover the greatest validation of all…the cosmic library that exists for all once the search ends and the discovery begins.
FEEL the moment of love that is before you, and as you do the veil of illusion that seeks to keep you from full illumination will simply dissipate as your vision of the world of luminosity expands beyond the precepts of the mind.
As a radiant being of light…shining in a world of cloaked encounters with light…it is your being-ness that will bring forth the honoring of your
full genetic birthright.
We invite you to revisit that recognition again:
As a radiant being of light…shining in a world of cloaked encounters with light…it is your being-ness that will bring forth the honoring of your
full genetic birthright.
Break free of the limitations of one country, one world, one solar system.
Ignite the strands of knowing within thee, and allow this ignition to carry you back to whence you began with the full illumination of the journey by your side.
This is the miracle of the light, and it is the miracle of you!