Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

July: Are you an Ascended Master? Exploring Stable-Active-Presence!


Ascended Masters Awaken!

The moment is now to claim the energetic milestones that are upon us. As we continue to navigate 2012 the universal energies are stimulating a wide variety of responses. All beings are feeling the stimulation. From forest fires and storms to heat waves, political shifts and economic crisis; our world is forever changing.

There are abundant choices that are facing each being. For some the choice is to keep your focus in the sands of density thinking that all is well, it won’t affect me, etc… and for those who make that choice it is best to stay right where they are. Within the status quo is a sense of comfort within the discomfort. For many this will be how they walk through this moment.

However, if your choice is to focus in the ascended cosmos trusting that all is truly well as you awaken to the universal expansion, then stay there. The cosmos offers you the gift of direct connection to a Source of purity.

And if you are like most beings on the planet right now, which is somewhere in between Denial and Ascended Detachment…then read on!

Most of those who are clearly committed to their spiritual expansion live somewhere in between the area of two clear choices. Through spiritual practices you feel and experience the truth that “all is well” yet you are often affected by the chaos and pain that is in our world. Those on a path of Self-Ascension honor our love of all humanity and yet we have also opened our awareness to our soul’s wisdom.

The soul is eternal and loving. The soul has the infinite patience to allow humanity to co-create pain and disharmony. The soul also celebrates when we surrender the ego’s limited viewpoints to the Joy of Divine beingness. Either way is OK; both are divine journeys. Are you clear about your choice? Where do you invest your attention and consciousness?

July is a bridge moment. Are you ready to cross the bridge from the gameboard of duality, density pains and delights toward the ascended experience of peace, love and joy while still experiencing form? It is a dynamic time! On the one hand it appears challenging and on the other hand Self-Ascension is now easier to claim than ever before! Remember that the primary energy surging through July is calling for Stable-Active-Presence. The energy we will all be called to navigate during the month ahead will reward all of your sincere efforts made year to date and pull strongly at your “weak area”…the places where you are still holding doubt.

This past Saturday we were gifted with a stunning Archangelic Insoulment. All of the insoulments consistently offer a gateway to your ascended beingness. Pay attention to where you place your attention. Associate with those who are awake. What made this insoulment so very special is that it is literally two insoulment is one! When you watch the video gift yourself with gazing into the fingertips and at the crown chakra as you listen to the message that is coming through Kira Raa. Then, read the insoulment and notice the depth that enters into you. The invitation to remember your greater co-creative power is stunning and soul stirring.

We were called in June to personally guide a group of ready masters through the Navigating the Inner Matrix tele-class in July. We have followed our guidance and will be offering this program in a way that it has not been explored before. Essentially we are integrating the frequencies of 2012, the Ascended Master awakening and the need to anchor the Violet Flame to increase abundance, prosperity and joy for those in the class, our brethren humanity and our beloved Gaia. This timing was certainly no accident! We invite you to join us for this extraordinary journey that begins next Monday evening, July 9. CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION

Take full advantage of the energy of July! Go deep within your soul’s wisdom and remember ever more the truth of who you are. As you rewaken to your greater mastery you may be called to join us for our monthly Miracle Team celebrations and Commanding the Light lessons. You may discover that you are ready to joins us for your Resurrection Journey at TOSA La Laguna, Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.

July is the moment to act on your decisions and discover the Joy of Self-Ascended living. The alignments are here…what you do with them is your choice. Stable-Active-Presence! It is your moment!

We love you. We respect you. And we honor your sovereignty to choose!

Sri and Kira

PS: Many of you have asked for even deeper explorations of the work of Self-Ascension and we have heard you. Starting this week look for Sri Ram Kaa’s new series at our YouTube Channel. Powerful, in-depth explorations of Spiritual Wisdom. FREE! Check out Sri’s first video by clicking here and while there enjoy the rest of our free content. Please share this YouTube Channel with your friends…the time is now.

One Response

  1. Dear Sri and Kira~
    It is such a blessing that you offer these regular You Tube messages!
    It truly helps me feel more connected and informed at this important tine.

    It is wonderful to actually see you talking and to feel the loving energy emanating from you both. Your messages speak of Truth and “ascension sanity” and provide a sense of security through the 2012 changes!

    With heartfelt appreciation and Love~Peggy

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