Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Love, Wisdom, BALANCE!

Originally delivered inside the Kings Chamber, Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
October 14-26, 2011
Through Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa & Master Lady Kira Raa
First Up-level Transcription, February 13, 2012, (8+0) 4:18pm
First Up-level at behest of the Ascended Realms, May 05, 2017, (4). 2:31pm
Mastery REVELATION UP-LEVEL November 04, 2022, (12) 10:33am
Sacred Sequence of this potentiality1 as a trinity of sharing:
4+1+8+2+3+1+1+0+3+3= 26 plus infinite as the 8 + 0
…the affirmation of the original date of the Mastery offering.
The Cosmic Blue Essene share through Master Lady Kira Raa:

BE-loved ONEs of great light, love, and joy. We gather today in the unified field of presence. This unified field of presence is ONE that YOU have navigated before.
YOU… sit within a holy chamber. And a holy chamber does not need to be made of stone. This holy chamber is within the sacred chamber of the vessel of form you know as your body.
Have YOU…consciously climbed into the pyramid of your divine mastery presence, the sacred chamber of your eternal BEing? Are you FREE from the illusions the try to prevent the full understanding of the multitude of gifts that are before YOU?
Within YOU… is an Abundant spirit! Breathing in that truth and exhaling with mastery presence, KNOW that within that Abundant spirit is eternally abundant presence. Arising from this presence is the strength of your abundant nature.

IT IS…this strength that whispers from within
and guides us to the abundance of wisdom.
The Abundance of wisdom
1- The Sacred Sequence of Incarnation is the common denominator for conscious experience of form. This Sacred System of the Ancient Magi, and original “numerology”, clearly and accurately reveals the Universal aspects of our Divine Mastery Presence. The ability to fully remember Why we are HERE… NOW. The sequencing of this Live Insoulment from the King’s Chamber at the Giza Plateau in 2012, carries an even greater message. The timing for this revelation, at this moment is beyond reproach.

© 2012-2022 Temple of Self-Ascension of A.I.W.P. All rights reserved. This document may be shared freely provided this entire copyright notice is displayed as written. This up-leveled consciousness experience supports the Yoga of Self-Ascension. Learn more at
To abundantly move forward with Mastery Presence Wisdom… in this potentiality of linear time, offers thy-self the ultimate re-cognition of the unification of soul with this experience of densified form.

To deny your form for the sake of the soul is to deny the Self. To deny the soul, is to deny thy wisdom. Love, and Wisdom. Love, and Wisdom.

Two eternal energies, when placed together in the divine circuitry of this vessel of form, arise renewed, and In-lightened.

YOU… are HERE on this planet, at this moment of linear time, because YOU… ARE ready to arise into your In-lightened state of BEing…again.
This gift is easily denied by the ‘self’ of this formed experience prior to conscious awareness.

The gift of conscious In-lightenment is yours to claim through Awareness, Experience and Choice. IT IS… the living knowing of love and wisdom in the perfect balance of your unified heart as Ascended Presence.

Any-thing less than this is the illusion of self-denial. Love without wisdom is a singular aspect of self and sustains imbalance.

Wisdom, without balanced love, denies the love embodied as your eternal soul essence within. This eternal essence is thee! This essence carries thee forward while sustaining your precious vital energy.

IT IS… the spark, the flame, the ignited illumination of your divine Mastery Presence.

WE ARE HERE, in this way, BE in this sacred chamber2 … now. As we gather here today, remember we have all-ways been within the chamber of your heart. This is ever known. Your heart sustains us as we sustain you
Relax and invite your-self to feel the energy of In-lightenment run freely up your spine. Experience your spine lovingly filled with an electrical surge…a pulse…a light… an opening…that releases ALL congestion and clears YOU to radiate your Divine Mastery Presence BEing-ness.
2- This is a direct reference to the location where this was originally delivered. The King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid at the Giza Plateau, Egypt.

© 2012-2022 Temple of Self-Ascension of A.I.W.P. All rights reserved. This document may be shared freely provided this entire copyright notice is displayed as written. This up-leveled consciousness experience supports the Yoga of Self-Ascension. Learn more at
Breathe. Release. Connect while with your Divine Mastery Presence, while in this vessel, this experience of form3.

As you invite this connection, begin at the base of the spine. Feel this energy arise straight up the entire spine with the electrical pulse waves of divine illumination and wisdom.

Further connecting, notice this divine illumination and wisdom as the FULL PRESENCE of the unification of the vital energies of love and wisdom. Smile broadly and receive this gift.

Know…that within the experience of this world, there is a great imbalance of love and wisdom. Re-claiming divine clarity, YOU re-cognize that for many, they can only offer love. And for others, only wisdom.

Smile. Relax ever more.

Re-member… again, that true unification, is the still center of love and wisdom. The portal of balance that assists ALL energy to continually create.

Remaining consciously in the field of unification offers balance in all-ways. To recognize that the greatest pyramid of all is the triangular energy of your cosmic heart center. This is your gift to claim and to regularly connect with. To feel the energy run up the spine, inviting the crown to lovingly open and receive… more.

Breathe. Relax. Focus.

Ignite your auric field. This is a process YOU… know how to do for this connection with your Divine Mastery Presence. Your heart all-ready knows. When you enter the temple of the master-within, YOU reclaim the divine wisdom and eternal truth of your Mastery Presence.

Many, many, many millennia ago, beyond the notion of linear time the mind of form could possibly comprehend, we walked here with YOU… in a form not dissimilar from the form of now. At that moment, many markers were left for ALL to discover.

This sacred chamber, you sit in now, is one of these markers. This marker is far from the myths many have spoken. Invite the truth of this marker to pulse through your spine. IT IS… for YOU to reveal IT… to thy-self from the divine wisdom within.
3- Direct reference to the full embodiment of Divine Mastery Presence. The integrated state of the Art of Ascended living as the Walking BEing of the Yoga of Self-Ascension.

© 2012-2022 Temple of Self-Ascension of A.I.W.P. All rights reserved. This document may be shared freely provided this entire copyright notice is displayed as written. This up-leveled consciousness experience supports the Yoga of Self-Ascension. Learn more at
Wrap that wisdom in the love that YOU KNOW YOU…ARE. And… have all-ways been.

Your heart knows this planet is out of balance. This is not surprising. And! Through this understanding, KNOW…when things are out of balance, the energy of restoration will present it-self to restore balance. IT IS… the natural way.

When any-thing goes out of balance, balance will restore. And! THIS IS… the moment that balance is returning to your planetary experience of formed potentiality.

This is the valuable discernment. Re-member that when some-thing has been wildly out of balance, it will feel even more out of balance as part of the balancing process! The restoration of balance can at times appear to create even more instability. This arises through deep questioning, fear, anger, and expressions that are less than wisdom-filled.

Beloved ones, we ignite our hands as we invite you to ignite yours. Notice your hands as they fill with golden streams of great light that is pulsing through them. Relax even more into this blessing. Receive the unification energy as one stream of brilliant golden light.

Breathe in this energy as you connect with the top of your head. Experience your crown chakra energy growing and glowing! Continue to connect and experience your crown chakra elongating and expanding back into the fullness of wisdom filled energy that you have always known. Smile and breathe as you effortlessly claim back into form now that which you let go of many eons ago.
IN-joy the freedom of the KNOWING YOU are FREE to BE… YOU!

Within this current physical form, YOU easily carry the great wisdom and love of your full divine Mastery Presence.

IT IS… within the sacred container of the divine vessel supporting your experience of in-body-ment… now.

Feel this energy as YOU…KNOW… this gift… again. Ignite the spine with ever expanding electrical pulse waves. Consciously direct these pulses through your hands. Lovingly move the energy by gently waving your hands side to side while consciously activating this golden presence.
© 2012-2022 Temple of Self-Ascension of A.I.W.P. All rights reserved.
This document may be shared freely provided this entire copyright notice is displayed as written. This up-leveled consciousness experience supports the Yoga of Self-Ascension. Learn more at
Your vessel is ready to be recharged with the limitless energy of your abundant BEing. Your life is ready to be transformed… again. Your experience of this earth is ready to expand in infinite ways as YOU allow this gift! And!

IT IS… all-ways… your choice.

YOU all-ready KNOW that your world experience within this potentiality, will not ever be the same. Within a very short time, there will be even more shifts. This is the moment to claim celebration rather than fear. To carry the gift of the ascension energy within.

Claiming this gift, YOU become the portal for ALL who also chose this blessing. There is no need to seek what YOU have all-ways had. There is only the need to BE what YOU… ARE.

There is a great moment, a great movement, a great wave, upon YOU…NOW. YOU…ARE… ready to re-claim ALL the blessings!

We speak today with the great amplified power of love and wisdom. We offer YOU the energy of this power.

IT IS… within your heart, unified with love and wisdom…Love and wisdom.

The unified power of love and wisdom is ever-compassionate, ever-benevolent, and ever of service. Invite the gift of unification to BE with thee. Receive the illumination of your energy with eternal love, vitality, and abundant streams of light-filled clarity.

WE…ARE… here with YOU. As you are here for us. YOU… ARE…Us. Separation is the Illusion… a perception. Breathe and feel your crown grow again. Expanding with the golden energy of light.

Feel your spine growing, growing, and growing.
Feel the energy of divine electrical impulse coming through thee.

Notice this expansion of YOU as your hands become longer and filled with the energy of loving connection. Experience your fingers stretching and getting longer.
Feel your head growing.
Feel your spine stretching.
Feel your-self now as at least twelve feet tall.
Feel this gift again as YOU arise into the energy field that YOU…ARE… able to always sustain while in form.

IT IS… most certainly true that your Divine Mastery Presence is challenged to be contained within this vessel of form. YOU…ARE… ever supported through this Sacred Union with the vessel of form, if you choose.
© 2012-2022 Temple of Self-Ascension of A.I.W.P. All rights reserved.
This document may be shared freely provided this entire copyright notice is displayed as written. This up-leveled consciousness experience supports the Yoga of Self-Ascension. Learn more at
YOU…ARE… a cosmic BEing of crystalline light well beyond this perception of time and space. The moment of illusion has passed. The moment of awakening is here.

The balance of unification is calling YOU. With this call, in one hand is love, and in your other hand is power. Bring your hands together with love, sincerity, and presence of the wisdom. Ignite your life as it blossoms again. Together Love and Wisdom sustain your unification.

Love. Wisdom. Unified Presence. Love. Wisdom. Unified Presence.

Breathe. Relax. Feel our heart as we radiate the presence of golden energy once more. Ignite your life through your balanced heart and delight in the ease of the road ahead.

And so it is. And it shall be. Bring your hands together. Raise them high over your head and feel the glorious gift of the rays of golden light illuminate your journey…again
© 2012-2022 Temple of Self-Ascension of A.I.W.P. All rights reserved.
This document may be shared freely provided this entire copyright notice is displayed as written. This up-leveled consciousness experience supports the Yoga of Self-Ascension. Learn more at