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Healing the Universal Wound
Through Master Lady Kira Raa, The Unified field of SriRamKaaKiraRaa
The Cosmic Essene Share through MLKR:
Greetings BE-Loved ONE’s of the Universal crystalline light. From a golden emanation of rays, from many worlds, we arrive NOW…for YOU. We are HERE to offer the gift of Divine re-cognition through understanding.
We have arrived with the sacred intention of offering divine assistance through your eternal wisdom. To call forward the manifested energy of healing.
This healing energy is a universally abundant wave that is readily available for ALL. To consciously ignite this energy is simple once the underlying understanding of the universal wound is clear.
What is the Universal Wound?
Universal wounds are known through energetic re-cognition. In this specific potentiality many re-claim them as a badge of honor understanding the wound they carry within is an aspect of their greater BEing.
Many reach out for greater clarity for their soul’s mission or purpose. For those who have chosen density, the greater purpose of being is often discovered through the connection with, and healing of, the wound. This may feel painful as one navigates the moment. This is when the courage of Conscious Awareness reveals IT-self, and the greater wound is healed for ALL.
IT IS… the wound IT-self that patiently waits for you to command your Divine Mastery Presence. The cosmic light that initiates healing and understanding.
As you relax and receive this message, notice your crown chakra is awakening with a luminescent golden vibration. The great golden vibration of this ray of light offers you a direct connection through a rainbow portal of divine luminescent energy.
As you exhale and explore the blessing within YOU, also discover that through this rainbow portal of divine energy, the universal wound, as it affects your life experience, will be lovingly revealed.
BE-Loved ONEs, as YOU ignite the light of Divine knowing, of absolute and resolute understanding, of expansive forgiveness in your heart; from that space, the foundational wound of ALL beings of light is revealed. YOU are lifted into the clarity that KNOWS this wound is not yours to carry alone.
IT IS…through this clarity of oneness, you discover the energy of the unifier.
The foundational recognition of ALL that is and ALL that has ever been. YOU have carried ALL with you as a Divine agreement. One wound, on behalf of all.
Many have spent their life experiencing, playing, dancing, and trying to understand why this wound exists.
Each BEing of Divine manifested light carries an aspect of this wound in a different place within the body of form. Each manifests it in their own time as part of the Divine Mastery experience of BEing in form.
The Manifest Energies of Healing
How you manifest this wound within the energy of this world is also how you heal the wound. Why do we share this with you?
Simple! YOU ARE… at the time of the healing of the foundational wound. YOU ARE… at the moment of re-cognition that there is no wound to carry.
This wound is a transient energy. It appears as you step into the energy of separation, doubt, fear, hesitancy and deep density. As YOU move through this world, many are acting out the foundational wound in expansive ways.
In this field of manifested form, the wound has revealed three distinctly different manifested energies.
BEloved ONEs. IT IS… your time to BE… beyond ALL wounds and as you claim:
I AM fully embracing the joy-full understanding of true freedom.
To be Free… YOU must BE.
Freedom is illusive if you carry the wound of the Divine heart. In this world, the three energies that have arisen are ALL aspects of the same wound. It all begins with poverty.
Poverty is the foundational expression of the universal wound. Let us share more. When we mention poverty, for many, the first thought is financial poverty, is it not?
This is the poverty that is beyond that. Let us clarify that poverty in its absolute densest form is about money.
Poverty energy, as an expression of the Divine wound, is the energetic poverty of the denial of your own re-cognition. The denial that YOU ARE in the presence of the Divine all-ways. Within you, around you…IT IS …YOU.
You are Divine presence, all-ways.
As you deny your-self this, poverty manifests in many ways. To be impoverished means you have denied yourself the richness of understanding your Divine Mastery Presence.
YOU are the richness of love. YOU are the richness of connection. YOU are the richness of BEing.
Within the richness of the one love that YOU…ARE, a wound cannot exist. IT IS… the energy of the mind of density that seeks to keep you in poverty. The mind of density keeps you in poverty as a self-perpetuating means of control. When the mind of density controls, it pushes aside the blessing of connected richness.
Beyond the richness that harvests gold from your planet this is the richness and embrace of the Divine. The rich discovery of the lover within. The ALL-ness of every-thing, every energy, every experience.
To heal the divine wound carried within, look at where in your life you carry poverty. Then…remove the sole definition of poverty as merely financial.
Money, beloved children, is forever abundant. This is not the issue. It is merely a side effect. Claim your divine nature beyond poverty and dance with the Divine in all-ways. Dancing with your divinity, you become the Christ energy, the Krishna, the Shiva, the Allah. YOU carry the totality of the God & Goddess. The unified presence of the Divine radiates from YOU as the universal love of all-ness.
The mind will seek to keep you impoverished as it challenges your divine nature with random self-defeating thoughts such as: Who I am to accept this? Who am I to know this?
The truth is: Who are you not to know this?
You are a being of Divine love! So much so that you have carried this wound on behalf of an entire ray of light. You have separated many times. You have gone from the one, to the four, to the twelve and beyond, as your souls have fragmented. IT IS…in this time of the great reunification to look within and to heal all wounds.
The second energy of the time, beyond the energy of poverty is the energy of integrity. This is the next energy. Are you in integrity or denial with your-self?
To answer that question invites the disengagement of the mind of density. The mind will in all-ways seek to offer YOU an answer that comforts the ego. This is why it is more than valuable to go to your heart when you receive the question about integrity.
For the energies that seek to keep this wound alive in you, the energies of poverty and integrity are beyond power-full.
The energy of integrity allows YOU to effort-lessly transcend mind of density. The mind of density seeks to offer you a story. Distraction information that replays over and over like a movie within the brain. This movie carries some pieces of your own energy and pieces of galactic energy. This movie plays frequently. It seeks to offer your mind reassurance that it is OK to doubt. It is OK to be upset. It is OK to enter into emotional fits of energy that only continue to expand the wound.
Anger, beloved children, is a wounding energy.
When you experience anger, you are out of the bounds of integrity with your truth.
When you experience the fear of who you are, this is outside the integrity of truth.
This is a wonder-full gift. When it happens, you are receiving the opportunity to re-cognize the truth of your integrity. Within the truth of your integrity is the Divine re-cognition that healing is happening!
BE-Loved ONEs. When your body has a cut, does it not hurt? And as that cut heals does the scar not itch? Can you imagine how itchy the eternal wound must be?
It is calling out to YOU! Scratch me, scratch me. Your anger scratches it. Your frustration scratches it. Your fear scratches it. Understand that when you scratch a wound it reopens. Better to soothe it with salve to relieve the itching, than to scratch it again and again and again.
The salve that is readily and abundantly available is the forgiveness found within the heart of your BEing in this world. IT IS… the greatest abundant loving salve. Imagine a big tube next to you. As this tube is filled with self-forgiveness, it will heal the itch of the wound that seeks to pull your integrity from your Divine presence. We encourage you to apply the salve often.
Liberally apply the salve of self-forgiveness. The loving re-cognition that you are perfect… even the expression of anger distributed throughout your expression of frustration or fear that may have been projected toward another.
In that moment of recognition, re-claim your own self-forgiveness, and BE free. KNOW that YOU ARE FREE!
Knowing you have the capacity to BE FREE in every moment, what would you not do to claim that, to BE that?
Which is stronger within thee, the itch or the salve? It is your choice. Of ALL these energies, poverty and integrity, it is important to understand as you move through these issues it brings you to the third energy of separation.
Poverty, integrity, and separation. These three energies come forth within the universal wound. Then they manifest as individuated into this world based upon your agreement to play with them.
Separation, beloveds, is a dance. Within your galactic agreements, your universal oneness as light expanding and expressing, the Individ-you-will has blossomed. And, there is a mis-perception that this is blossoming energy is separation.
The remembrance of the Individ-you-will expression of oneness, is the salve that soothes the energy of separation.
The energy of separation that has risen in your world so greatly, that worlds have become countries, that become states, then cities. They transition humanity into the belief of a me and you. A misdirection of the energy of celebrated individuation of the one light.
BE-Loved Beings! In the re-cognition that separation is a wound and the individualization of light is a gift, YOU unify within your own heart… again.
Healing the Wound
Would you enjoy touching this wound? We invite you to do so beyond the perspective of pain. To touch from the perspective of the joyous re-cognition, the Aha moment that you have not been carrying a wound that is yours alone.
YOU ARE a great gift. YOU ARE ready to decide how to continue with that gift.
The tip of this wound, for ALL Beings, exists in the physical heart. With one hand over your physical heart center, relax a moment and breathe. Feel an immediate opportunity deep within this connection. It could be pain, tension or pressure. It could be a ray of light, it matters not, the tip of the wound is there.
Now declare:
Beloved light I command thee now! Come forward and show me where does the scar end? Your hand is on one part, where is the other? Ask!
Put your hand there if you can. If it ends outside of you as for some of you it does, then just raise your hand up. Where is this scar? Feel that ray. Feel that energy. In the recognition that poverty, integrity, and separation are demonstrating themselves as illusionary manifestations that have simply been misunderstood, they are yours to now release personally and on behalf of an entire universe.
Command for yourself the light of the divine connection to seek, find, BE, and clear YOU. Understand that you are holding this space for many.
Ask: How many right now am I holding this space for?
Trust the answer, do not deny. For the answer may be much larger than you were aware of. And it may be smaller than you thought, it matters not.
Breathe beloved ones. Relax. If you wish to relieve, heal, and release this universal scar, for 14 days in a row call yourself to it.
Pay attention to the poverty in your life. Notice the integrity in your life. Witness most importantly the separation in your life. Invite your-self to see and touch often that Divine tube of self-forgiveness and apply liberally.
When you find that you are indeed itching that wound of separation, gift yourself again with clarity.
Freedom is Now
Beloved Ones, there are many portals of light that have opened in this world. There are many energies that are gridding together, and there are many beloved teachers. Each has all-ready activated their BE-Loved teacher presence. YOU ARE the teacher.
Can you first teach yourself to be in Divine presence all-ways?
Can you continue to greet all without your own opinion of greeting?
Can you simply meet each other in divine recognition of
divine being present with presence?
Healing all wounds, YOU ARE FREE.
And you are Free in All-ways!
So it is dear ones. YOU ARE at a great and power-full time. As it unfolds ever more, you will be asked often to make a choice. Beyond making the choice just once, it is the consistent choice that remains in Divine Mastery Presence of Conscious Awareness.
Pay attention to your emotional body.
It will be the most receptive to the changes that are occurring.
Know that you are in Divine Re-cognition All-ways!
And so it is.