Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

If Not Now, When?

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  • #23737
    Sri Ram


    The outer world is spinning further out of touch with the Guidance found in the Awakened Heart. The Kali Yuga is said to bring ever greater distortion into mass consciousness: a loss of moral compass, inability to discern the difference between truth and falsehood. This is a reflection of a lower state of consciousness coupled with a greater state of ego-governance.

    One question before the awakened heart is “how do I respond?” A mentor would ask you “how do you feel called to respond?” And, “what result do you expect to see from your action?” The answers that arise in you are yours. They are there to show you your personal truth at that moment. And, the answers that come forth are tools for your own growth! Be loving and patient with yourselves.

    To cultivate growth in an age of regression, we must remain vigilant. That is, the energy in outer world supports superficial, knee-jerk responses. Thoughtful heart centered responses are not as widely supported. Yet, without making the effort to stay aligned with universal principles and to craft a life that stands aligned with our divinity, we will surely succumb to the illusion.

    The ascended heart is the foundation of the ascended state of Being. Stand committed to your truth and your Guidance, even if no one in the outer world offers support. Be visible in your spirituality, as that offers reassurance to those who are ‘coming out”. Being visible also builds your inner strength. We are spiritual family and we will ALL-Ways support each other.

    The reference point for encouragement and validation can not come from anyone or anything in the mass consciousness. Our energetic nourishment comes from outside of the “tractor beam of illusion”. Each time we bring our hand to our heart, we can connect to the portal of soul consciousness that centers us.

    Thank you for your love, tenacity and courage!

    Many Blessings,

    Sri and Kira

    Melinda Ramsay

    Namaste, Master Wisdom Teacher:
    Sri wrote: “One question before the awakened heart is “how do I respond?” A mentor would ask you “how do you feel called to respond?” And, “what result do you expect to see from your action?” The answers that arise in you are yours. They are there to show you your personal truth at that moment. And, the answers that come forth are tools for your own growth! Be loving and patient with yourselves.”

    Thank you for reminding me that we all respond in our own unique way to outside stimuli aka chaos! This part stands out to me..”what result do you expect to see from your action?” I will remind myself of this before I act as I place hand to heart and say the mantra of self ascension.
    It’s so wonderful to connect with your energy; to have a place to interact with soul

    In deep gratitude,


    Monica Dumitriu

    Namaste, Beloved Sri and Kira and Miracle Team,

    Thank you for sharing this great message. What a blessing to celebrate the beautiful moment of here and now with our awakeness.

    Many blessings,

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