Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Reply To: Beyond Triggers, Anchoring in Ascension Awareness

Home New Forums Sri and Kira Share Beyond Triggers, Anchoring in Ascension Awareness Reply To: Beyond Triggers, Anchoring in Ascension Awareness

Melinda Ramsay

Namaste Beloved Sri: Thank you, thank you! My husband is my twin soul, and yet it has not been an easy relationship! By far, it has been the most challenging experience of my life. I yearn for the time when we can consistently engage in a divine dance of appreciation and love. Not that we don’t love and appreciate each other, we absolutely do! It’s simply a lot of work. Is real love this much work? Oh, my goodness!
The beautiful practices given through Kira’s insoulments are very helpful. I do them often. I can feel my growth through the various levels of ascension and consciousness. Where I am today in comparison to even one year ago, is by far a great leap.
Again, thank you for your timely writing and soul wisdom. It is very appreciated and needed.

With deep love,
