Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

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Reply To: Releasing Fear through Adversity

Homepage Forums Sri and Kira Share Releasing Fear through Adversity Reply To: Releasing Fear through Adversity

Patricia Laurin

Dearest Kira,
I have read your words of what you are presently journeying through and I am humbled by them. I am humbled by the extent of what is being asked of you and I am witnessing your courage and humility in moving through the intensity of surgery, of being “confined” to limited movement and space. I am touched by the many levels of perception you write about-your fears, the pain and what the demands of caretaking are on your Beloved Sri.
I recognize what you are saying-from my own perspective of healing through a major surgery 13 years ago. From a purely physical level I can say surgery is a huge shock to the body, even if corrective and needed. In my post recovery time my body dictated everything-it needed naps, rest, comfort and food. It was busy repairing itself. Even when my mind wanted to be busy and do something my body would over ride it and demand sleep. I was in limbo for a period of time, not knowing if I would ever feel myself again. Then after some time had passed I crossed a threshold-where the healing on a cellular level was anchored and the tissues were getting stronger. I still fatigued after 7-8 hrs but I felt I had turned an important corner-one I could not have predicted the when and where of. My body had its own timing and I believe reaching that threshold is different for everyone. I trust it will come for you Kira, I trust it is already happening.
The body has its own timing even when all the other levels are swirling about ready to go!

I have seen you and Sri say YES to everything Spirit has asked you for the past 15 years, and some of the “yes” was often not easy. In fact it seems sometimes it asked more of you two than “humanly” possible. I stand in gratitude for the Divine Cosmic Love that you are- that you have been in my life for many years now. I offer to you my Love, and Healing Energy for your journey through this and always. Please feel my arms around you both with a heart full of gratitude and love.


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