Five steps to BREAK FREE!
Claiming the Joy of Mastery Presence Soul Consciousness!
By Wisdom Techer Sri Ram Kaa & Master Lady Kira Raa
As the energy of our beloved planet continues to expand our consciousness beyond
“that where we have been before” …IT IS…our bodies that are the first to notice and
our best truth detector.
The uplevel expansion that is rapidly calling foreword the grand convergence of
consciousness is proving to be power-full for ALL! The clear call for ALL who choose
to say YES and LIVE as Divine Service in Action!
The blessing of this vast interaction is that ALL of “the bodies” of this formed
experience are responding. Your physical, spiritual and emotional body are ALL
expanding at once!
Have mercy on your-self as YOU adapt and acclimate to the powerful shift that is
NOW. Gift yourself with loving compassion…more! Celebrate that the moment to
fully embrace and transcend the beloved sly pirate known as the Ego has arrived.
This universal ego-aspect of consciousness has
expanded throughout the millennia creating
cultures and societies defined by me-focus. IT
IS…deep within the wellspring of earth-bound
experiences, that the “ego-trap” dances.
(First experience of the pyramid of spiritual awakening,
Density Consciousness.)
The journey begins here and supports the
inner recognition necessary to grow beyond
the “me” focus. The moment that ignites
exploration of the greater mysteries.
Many spiritual traditions offer practices
assisting the explorer to dismantle the ego’s
grip. And, once this journey begins, the first
a-ha moment arises:
Awareness of the Discernment to witness the difference between Egoic Reality &
Mastery Presence Soul Consciousness.
The ego reality is born of words that are easily manipulated. They are championed
by the ego to support agendas. The most challenging aspect of ego-based reality is
the development of the spiritualized ego which supports spiritualized arrogance.
This is a delicate moment that ALL transit as the soul in form evolves, AND it is
necessary. All beings walk through their spiritualized ego on the way to full
Ascension Awareness, OR they empower their egoic reality through the spiritualized
ego creating a sense of grandiosity or “spiritualized arrogance”. (This is all the
playground of the second experience of the pyramid of spiritual awakening…Spiritual Activism.)
Grandiosity, or “spiritualized arrogance”, is difficult to unravel once anchored by the
egoic self. The spiritualized ego finds plenty of fuel to keep it active through fourth
dimensional attachments that feed the ego. A virtual feast for disincarnate beings
and trapped energies that are density bound to this potentiality.
Often the information received has a shred of “truth” within its context. This
intentional, (and only initial), display of validation seeks to entrap those who have
surrendered their power to the ego.
The blessing is that this IS the journey of the ONE that is the master of light and love!
The challenge is to walk through this illusion to discover from within the grip that is
holding the ego in its last dance of power.
The human experience, in this potentiality, has co-created the energy of ‘a fall’ to
initiate inner surrender and authentic communion. While navigating egoic
entrapment through the spiritualized ego, this ‘fall’ can become a repetitive cycle
prior to a “final fall” that ignites re-birth and freedom from all illusion!
These energies are smart, sly and misunderstood. So you may ask, how can I know?
There are five “symptoms” that signal that the spiritualized ego and/or spiritualize
arrogance is in control. Bring a hand to your heart, inhale a deep breath, relax, and
have mercy on yourself:
1. Denial of Personal Emotional Wounding:
Inability to see and a refusal to acknowledge projected emotional energy. Denial
expresses as gravitation toward lofty ideals or organizing focus on sources outside
of Self. EX: We must do “X” because ‘they’ are doing “Y”.
This expresses in the “sense of greater good”. Example, one religion feeling superior
to another.
2. Denial of Personal Responsibility:
Reality is co-created – when our needs are not met, an empowered action is to gaze
inward to recognize how our unmet emotional needs drive our perceptions and
judgments. For one who is in the grip of spiritualized ego/arrogance, the cause of
pain is all-ways from “others”. Someone/something external to the Self is
misbehaving! Disconnection from personal creation and manifestation.
3. Need to Manipulate Opinion or Distort Facts:
The willingness to share incomplete or out of context information to support
personal agenda. Feeling ‘right’. Seeking allies by focusing others to base their
actions on “headlines” versus thoughtful examination.
(Example: mainstream media focuses on ‘headlines’ that support a point of view versus a sincere
exploration/understanding of differences in opinion)
4. Preoccupation with Right/Wrong:
The ego loves to blame! The sly pirate will do this subtly, by pointing to principles
of right/wrong to justify projected energy. The soul does not judge! Allowing space
for all creation to evolve.
Harmony between peoples occurs naturally when agendas are relaxed, and the
organic process of balance occurs. The spiritualized ego feels a need to control and
justifies itself through seeming to be aligned with a higher principle.
5. Grandiosity and Pontification:
Preaching – offering unsolicited advice, calling for attention from others, sense of
carrying the ‘final word’ on matters, relying on a ‘higher authority’, and denying the
validity of other perspectives. Grandiosity is a natural expression of a spiritualized
ego that resides in the 6th or 7th chakras. Often accompanied by a sense of ‘only my
information is inspired’ (reinforcing spiritualized arrogance)
The spiritualized ego needs to feel special or claim unique empowerment. Sincere
spiritual surrender results in inspiration and mystical communion. How that
inspiration is lived, understood, and communicated can be interfered with by the
ego. The ego believes it must control, provide safety, and be continually
It usurps authentic soul expression based upon unfinished emotional healing.
The journey of wholeness is a universal human path that begins through our
resolution of the energies of separation and fear. To be healthy, humans are faced
with the need to love themselves and evolve; the universal part of the human
The need for wholeness and safety underpins most of our life activities. This
evolutionary urge lifts us beyond the physical and emotional worlds as a longing for
This awakens the Yoga of Self-Ascension as the awareness that safety is a
density concept. That the first chakra of this body of form simply needs to
remember PEACE rather than safety as our foundation!
Embracing a Mastery Presence Soul-Conscious life opens a wrestling match with the
ego. The ego is child-like and disconnected from any rules of fair play! Inviting the
soul to lead means we get to confront the distractions championed by the ego.
All sense of doubt, pain, fear and lack is the arena of the ego and this field of
This experience of the human condition is so common we accept these creations
unquestioningly. In fact, the soul’s energy and our greatest power is found IN JOY!
Love! Deep peace! The sweet recognition that ALL…IS…well. The foundation of the
ascended Love we hold in our mastery presence embodied into THIS FORM.
Spiritual Tenacity, in harmony with Steadfast Commitment, Focused Awareness and
Complete Trust, is required to champion the emergence of the soul into our cocreated reality.
IT IS…. a glorious moment on the planet!
The strength and gifts of your Mastery Presence Soul-Consciousness is the greatest
guide along the way!