Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Comments on Igniting Our Shields: Igniting Humanity!

Igniting Our Shields: Igniting Humanity!
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Message 5 of the Miracle of Divine Service: 12 Steps to Ascension

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18 Responses

  1. Thank you.. Since I know you I know what the feeling “I want to go home” means. Dear All!!! My love, my partner has definetely has this “virus”. He is such an amazing warrior he is a gift. Please, pray with me for Idris, for my love so he can choose differently. So that he can embrace his true self and our love. Thank you for all.. blessings and love to all

  2. The energy accompanying this In-soulment was definitely HUGE, and the timing of its receipt was most certainly in Divine perfection and not the whim of a mere delay. The flow of energy began with Archangel Zadkiel’s introductory message. How truly blessed and supported we are to be given several days to receive and integrate such powerful energy, attunement and activation. This certainly was a signal to me regarding how important making the choice to receive and fully integrate what feels like such an unprecedented gift is to my life and ability to move forward as a warrior. In order to enable the flow of my process to occur with grace and ease, I have read and listened to these messages several times and will continue to do so again and again. Kira, the feeling of having the crown of your head opened is indeed one I shared, may not have known what was happening until you described it. As always, my sincere thanks to you and Sri for commitment to always be fully available and allowing such Divine flow to come forward. Namaste.

  3. I am truly grateful for the message and the shield. Living on the “buckle of the Bible belt” I have many opportunities to practice noninterference and to catch myself making judgments. Part of my daily meditation is that all I do is of the highest service. I am glad for the reminder to be vigilant about choosing freedom or entrapment. The message was so powerful(I didn’t get it to play completely until Sunday) that all day today (Monday) I have felt tired. I am at peace but just wiped out. I am also so grateful for Zadkiel’s sense of humor. It is such a comfort.

  4. I watched the in-soulment twice so as to continue to catch nuances and understandings. Later last night I was guided to light a fire in my chiminea, grab my journal, and just be. So many messages came flooding in, as well as the integration of Zadkiel’s shield. I felt his shield come all the way into my body, combined with so much peace and love for myself and for all of the natural world. I felt at one with everything, part of the fabric of all-that-is. It was wonderful, and I look forward to how life will continue from this point on. I am so much more at peace than I have ever been; it can only get better from here. Thank you Sri and Kira for delivering all the amazing messages and energy that you do with such open hearts. Namaste.

  5. I was excited as soon as I finished connecting with this energy, to share! I have NEVER experienced anything such as this in my life! I feel so honored and blessed to have received such a powerful energy! Oh my goodness was I ever filled with such love and felt such depth of connection, and I REMEMBERED… What a tremendous gift to behold! Thank you so much for your wondrous presence and love that you share with this community! Thank YOU for saying yes, for with your love, sincerity and presence, you have helped me, and those around me, to hold my own love, sincerity and presence. And also you help me to hold true to my commitment from moment to moment. I am still humming from this transmission, and I can’t get the smile off of my face, nor do I ever want it to! I love you all, blessings of love and light, and thank you Zadkiel.

  6. For the first part of the video, as Sri and Kira are speaking, I had to shake my whole body several times. I also had shivers in my upper body. I got up several times to go and get more water, my Container, and then the picture of Zadkiel from the Archangel pictures offered through TOSA. I also did several arm movements as if I was clearing and aligning my energy. When Zadkiel began to speak, I felt reverence throughout my whole body.

  7. Thank you Zadkiel, for releasing me from this spell. Thank you Zadkiel, for helping me dispel the quote unquote “hell”. Thank you Zadkiel, for helping my Spirit swell. Thank you Zadkiel, for helping me dwell within the truth of every cell. Thank you Zadkiel. Beloved Archangel Zadkiel.

  8. Thank you so much for making this available. I have felt the effects of this virus for a while but did not know what it was or what to do about it
    As Archangel Zadkiel began to speak I felt a huge serge of energy at the top of my head and the back of my neck. I also felt great resistance and for a few minutes my head bagan to hurt and I felt sharp pains in different places in my body. Then the energy just burst through and now I fell electrified. I feel the energy serging through my body like rushing water. I don’t think I will be getting much sleep tonight.
    Bless you all and Thank you dear Zadkiel. I am deeply grateful.

  9. WOW! I am a warrior of Divine Crystalline Light! What a joy-filled moment of recognition. I am grateful, humbled, ready. this is what I came here for. i am happy and ready to go on.

  10. I am blessed, honored, and blissed to have been sitting directly in front of Kira Raa and Sri Ram Kaa, in perfect alignment with Cerro Del Oro and the archangelic abode of the warriors, as this message was delivered. As Archangel Zadkiel spoke of the crystalline magnitude, the molecular structures, that are indeed vibrating with great Light and Presence that are assimilated into all of our natural surroundings, that is all I saw and felt–crystalline showers of vibratory brilliance. The light, the love, that sustains each of us! Stronger than ever before!!! And this ecstatic experience grew with each passing moment. And it is still growing!!!! This morning I consciously ignited the Blue Jewel of My Heart, expanding it into Zadkiel’s shield in me, as me, and for me, and entered the Abode of the Warriors, dissolving into crystalline light that is the predominant experience as I type now. In this series of lessons I can clearly see and feel that we are being gifted with energetic attunements and practices that will indeed anchor us in the crystalline vibrations we are as we fulfill our daily activities and missions. I was also sitting directly across from Sri and Kira when the 10 Mudras of Divine Light poured in. Blessing after blessing pouring into our paths to illumine and remove that which keeps us entrapped. Blessings and practices I used to eradicate the virus Zadkiel speaks of that tried with all its might to influence me in many ways on many levels several weeks earlier. This was a battle that was not easy but from which I emerged ever more in lightened, ever more clear that the path home is indeed very narrow and what can look like freedom really can be entrapment and what looks like entrapment really is freedom. With each breath I express my gratitude to Kira, Sri, the ascended masters, archangels, and other great beings who are lovingly providing the VIBRATIONS in the form of words, but more importantly, in the form of DIRECT ENERGETIC TRANSMISSIONS of PURE LOVE and LIGHT through Kira, that are FREEING each of us in each moment! Energies that can, at times, shine light on aspects of ourselves that have heretofore remained hidden. I know from over 30 years of this spiritual adventure that the going gets very tough at times and when those times come, holding on to the practices, teachings, and guides that have brought me to this point, looking ever deeper inside to see what may be causing some inner friction and discomfort, and staying the course to allow the expansion to continue frees me more and more with each breath. And I can’t wait to experience the unique gifts that the 10 Mudras of Light, entering the Abode of the Warriors, and the other sacred practices of Self Ascension will leave at the doorway to the Blue Jewel of My Heart and Sweet Soul Song of Ecstasy over the coming days, weeks, . . . . . . .

  11. Dear Ganeshananda, What beautiful words you have gifted us in this moment. I have been going through some unusual changes on all levels especially physical. It almost feels as if I am dying, and at times the pain seems unbearable. The times when I think I cannot bear another sec of it are short lived when I plug into the energies of the angelic realm.

    I keep getting repeat lessons of the fear, and its wonderful to finally be able to have the tools to free myself from this pirate. I want to just chuck this life presently and drop all and come to Guatamela and hang out and serve. Its becoming more and more real to me that it just may happen. Many blessings Elise

  12. Many blessings to you Elise and may you continue to Trust yourself and use the practices, grace, and blessings of the Archangelic Realm to “constantly” experience the love, peace, and bliss YOU ARE! It is so amazing that we can instantaneously experience our true essence just by choosing to do so over and over again until it is our CONSTANT experience.

  13. Thank you so much, for giving me through you the blessings of the shield of Zadkiel. It was a wonderfull experience.I feel so uplifted now.
    You do such a loving job.Bless you and Zadkiel for offering this.
    Love to you all, Zoia

  14. Thank-you for sending this wonderful message out. For lighting up the areas that were in the shadows, calling it out to the light. Transmuting it with love, light and truth. I’m very grateful for giving us the shield, I felt a warmth go thru my body and center in my heart. Filling this space in my heart that has awaited for this moment. I also saw as I watched a rainbow colored aura. Is that why we are called rainbow warrior’s? Blessings to all in these amazing momentous times. Melody

  15. I am feeling very light-headed since the attunement, which has continued to this moment as I comment on the experience. The attunement brought in the violet energy and the blue heart jewel aspect for me. The light-headedness continues, and is a very pleasant sensationaspect in my spiritual eye. it has an expanding presence in my spiritual eye at this time period. Thank you so much for getting back to me so soon on this and sharing this. Namaste Deb

  16. Thank you for sharing this message. I live in the UK and found the connection to you and Archangel Zadkiel from the Sedona magazine. I am part of a group of healers who channel the Anusha energy system, said to be the energy of the Essenes. Anusha also connects with Archangel Zadkiel so I was very intersted to find this link.
    Thank you again xx

  17. thank you. wonderful!!
    whenever i watch you channel i can see a great halo around you and your face keeps morphing in and out.
    i tingled in the joy i felt from this one. so familiar. so familiar. it was a great felt
    experience of receiving the shield within. i can see that i am that because i am here i the world where it is needed. i resonated with the words that one used because it was an issue i held. but not anymore. i surrendered that ego focus and use it now as wisdom. so thank you again….and as a sister once said…i embrace you with my love. namaste…

  18. Thank you Sri and Kira and Archangel Zadkiel – I really needed to release some virus energies. I felt them lift up and saw and felt the beautiful blue gem and the shield covering me. I am very happy to have found you. All Love, K

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