Traditionally many would refer to these experiences as symptoms! There is an aspect of truth in that claim. These are changes from what many consider normal. When considering the vast energetic shifts and multi-dimensional experiences that are emerging, a more accurate description of this experience is: Ascension Acceleration Energy Experiences! The list on this page was compiled at the request of the Ascended Realms.
It is a gift of reassurance & IN-light-ened perspectives assisting your navigation journey of rapid integration.
Every-ONE is at the moment of choosing to lift and remember. To BE the Witness, Witnessing the Witnesser…with Conscious Awareness
The rapid rise in AAE ‘symptoms’ became prevalent in the years 2001 through 2012. This period called forward the ability to connect with 5th dimensional energies as overlaid with the 3rd dimension.
This was then followed by the vast expansion of the Ascension Escalator of 2015 to 2022. The moment the Seven Polarities of Free Will revealed stunning clarity for all. We witnessed the culminating transition of the 3rd and 5th dimension energies into the awareness of multi-dimensional potentiality. The springboard that called us collectively to where we are now. The KNOWING that as the 3rd dimensional experience continues, a fully cognizant 5th dimensional reality exists along-side.
This is where the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation becomes the effort-less gift of daily living. AND! Why the body reminds us that it is patiently waiting for Divine Mastery Presence to guide. This is the expansion! To walk through that which seeks to resist.
2018-2022 offer the rich opportunity to touch, integrate and experience 7th and 9th dimensional wisdom while within a body of form. The ESSENCE of the Yoga of Self-Ascension and the epitome of the attainment of the Perennial Philosophies. Now that the 3rd and 5th dimensions have anchored, the magic is the appearance of BOTH the 7th and 9th dimensional portals! With such vast energies now available, the body is forced to adjust, rapidly, to allow these frequencies to birth beyond the fear, hesitancy and doubt of self-sabotage.
2018 was the year as viewed from the future that was an anomaly in the period between 2015-2022. It ANCHORED STABILITY through Shanti, Bhakti and Ananda! As such, the experience called forward an EXPANSION of ENHANCED Ascension Energies associated with navigating inter-dimensional frequencies. These frequencies are experienced when our upper chakras are open and available to connect into the dimensions that have now opened…and beyond.
In the post 2022 world, Ascension Symptoms are evolving Rapidly. We are collectively navigating the emergent. These frequencies shift our comfort, change our psychology and require that our emotional bodies be at peace. Without resolving emotional wounds and creating an inner safety, accepting higher frequency energies into our present psychology and physicality can be challenging.
This has become the moment to relax and call forward ever-greater self-love and acceptance of others into your life. The ignition of bound-less-ness. Expansion requires that we transcend our worldly attachments. To remember that YOU ARE NOT insane!
Sanity is a social norm. The only “norm” that matters is your love of your Self. These Ascension experiences of Spiritual Awakening are temporary. They resolve as you anchor the essence of “What in me, invited this to BE?” The ignition of greater love, acceptance and gratitude into your psychology. Your physical and emotional body respond to the healing energy of pure love!
The 2023 New World initiation discovered IT-self from within the field of concentric dimensionality. Hence an ever expanding range of Ascension symptoms were revealed. Navigating the Template of Consciousness and expanding self-awareness within 5th dimensional emergence, the energy of compassion flows. This awakens our acceptance of 7th dimensional frequency. The place where judgement releases as the body awakens to be re-vitalized and reverse age.
It is your time to live With the blessing Of Ascended Sanity instead Of Density Sanity. May your heart remember that to those Who are in the world Of density you will seem insane and be unable to discover support easily for your journey. AND! Once you anchor in your Ascended Presence you will clearly see the insanity Of the density and open the portal of compassion for those who are living it. Through that relaxation into your divine nature, support comes effortlessly and community gathers to support you. Being aware Of the combined EXPERIENCE OF THE SYMPTOMS Of ASCENSION and Spiritual Awakening relax your mind as you thrive through the MuIti-dimensional living adventure that is Self-Ascension!