Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

April 2024 Ascended Numerology


Ascended Numerology, through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation, integrates ALL of the elements. The harmonic combination of Sacred Geometry with an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters), opens the gateway of Ascension vibration through the proper application of the ancient formulas. The moment YOU remember your-self as a Miracle in Action.  The conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation assisting your Divine Mastery Presence as the Yoga of Self-Ascension.

April 2024 = 6 + Infinite
Navigating the Field of Adaptability
The Clarity of Vision
The trinity of Manifest energy, Divine Energy and the Lotus Chakra OPEN the channels of Potentiality in this Form to BE remembered.


What if, even for a moment, you gifted your-self with the permission to accept, beyond any sense of doubt, the eternal nature of ALL that YOU…ARE?What if you remembered that clarity of vision is a unified energy that has one sole purpose…
to support YOU to Thrive?

What if ALL of this…and more than this brain can conceive…is standing in front of YOU…right now with open arms…what would you do?

The Field of adaptability has opened…and as the great spiral IT-self offers the sense of the cyclone with both its upward and downward momentum…the moment of the Mercury Retrograde is honestly here to ASSIST!  This is a trinity moment that will continually reveal through April. Its direct affects are in equal proportion with the depth of your Sincerity, Love and Presence.


April = 7 Prime
Beingness anchors Divine Mastery Presence
Calling ALL into Balance

 Mercury is here calling YOU to REMEMBER and Activate!


The infinite presence opening on April 1, 2024, is the moment to vision every-thing into the experience of Conscious Resurrection.  You are divinely supported to carry forward the dream that may have shifted…and is still yours to command into form effort-lessly!
Beyond the In-trapment of Fear, Doubt and Hesitancy exists your Divine Mastery Presence ever patiently waiting for YOU to activate into this now moment.  Embracing your truth with Peace, Love and Joy invites your clarity into new levels of KNOWING.

This is the vision that is uniquely yours to self-reveal.  The moment to unabashedly dive into this exquisite Retrograde beyond ALL preconceptions. Smile broadly and welcome the RETURN of your Eternal Nature into Conscious Formed Existence.

April Mastery Integration Practice:
Remembering The Merkabah

As an Eternal BEing in-joying this world of form…April invites YOU to remember your Divine Mastery Nature as the Merkabah IT-self.  The moment to gift yourself with the courage that is yours to claim and walk through ALL dis-comfort to RE-cognize YOUR-SELF again.

Dive into water!  A nourishing bath or pool.  Perhaps simply create a footbath to remember that ALL healing begins at the feet.

As you engage the water…notice your body as it responds.  Notice your emotions as they ease. Relax your mind and open to your spiritual nature.

Then…ACTIVATE your breath through conscious awareness, and with each inhale and exhale invite your Eternal Nature to rise and LIFT through this moment.  Open into the depth of your journey as a Merkabah of creation.

Invite your higher presence to gift you with ad message from the Merkabah it-self.  YOU ARE READY to Re-birth and Remember.  The spiral is spinning, and your heart is ignited.

 April Ascension Up-level Dates:
An extra-ordinary moment is here!  As Mercury calls us ALL to remember every-thing beyond the doubts and the illusion…the universe showers ALL with a peak uplevel moment early in the month that will REFINE our human experience.  Tune in for expanded LIVE with Q&A…the First Sunday of every month. Noon ET:  YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.

April = 7 Prime      2024 = 8 + Infinite      April 2024 = 6 + Infinite

April 1, 2024:  11 Prime

Infinite Presence RE-Set Mercury Retrograde Begins

April 04, 2024: 5 Prime + 0

Remembrance of Eternal Presence ACTIVATION PEAK UPLEVEL

April 08, 2024: 10

Alchemically Transforming the New Moon EXPERIENCE

April 23, 2024:  4

Entering the Field of Adaptability through the FULL MOON

April 25, 2024:  4

Mercury Retrograde Integration Initiates the May Choice

 April 2024 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:

The Code of the Soul is one with physical form as called into form through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation.  Through Sacred Union of the body & spirit, this illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “in-formed” experience.  Ascended Numerology has a profound affect upon the physical body experience as part of the monthly energy sequencing.  Gaze at the physical body chart. Release any need to “understand”. TRUST that YOU KNOW!


Balance is the key and KNOWING that beyond all doubt the gift!  The over-arching energy of April is CREATION through Balance.  The second chakra is inviting YOU to remember your-self and to lovingly relax into the Alchemy of your Divine Mastery Presence in this form.

Free to create the stunning support from BOTH The right and left universal energies, in harmony with the Lotus Chakra of Consciousness offers a boost for those who are carrying a clear vision.

As the upper chakras balance with the creation energy, the moment at hand is to remember that as we relax our first chakra into Peace, our Beingness emerges, and the Miracles unfold.

Notice this month particularly when you are called to either your “head” or your “gut”.  They are seeking balance, and the winner is your command of Consciousness IT-self!

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