Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

March 2022 Ascended Numerology Forecast

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Ascended Numerology Forecast for March 2022
By Master Lady Kira Raa

Ascended Numerology works with ALL of the principles of nature in harmonic combination with Sacred Geometry and an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters).  This sacred formula opens the gateway of the Ascension vibration as Miracles in Action through the conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation. Ascended Numerology assists the Soul’s evolution into full Mastery while in form.

March 2022 = 12 + 0:
Unity! Sacred Union! YOU!  This is a month that is brimming with the energy of MASTERY COMPLETION.  That which is ready is now moving into greater motion and that which has been hiding can be seen for what it really is!

Your soul is calling…loudly! As YOU listen… IT IS… time to acknowledge the bounty-full BEing YOU ARE. This is your moment of divine mastery re-cognition. Twelve is the ultimate trinity. The blessing and the rich gift of the union of the two, (the body and soul), into the Oneness.

The moment to release ALL separation and polarity is NOW.  Open your heart and expand as divine Oneness is here to express through YOU. Gaze deeply at that which you still experience as creating separation or anxiety.  Lovingly release this experience to your Divine Mastery presence as the guide! Say YES to the mastery YOU ARE…and then, invite every-thing to this space of presence noticing that your flow and ease restore grace-fully.  Let your precious soul lead…IT IS…your time.

March = 6
The moment of EXPANSION into the Self as the Vehicle of Transformation!
The first of the four harmonic gates of 2022 are anchoring, and this amplifies the energy of AWARENESS.   Smiling at the moments before us, in full realization Awareness IS the grace to SEE & take action from the Ascended realms, ALL A-Lions!

As shown on the 2022 up-level calendar, the superior Conjunction of Jupiter arrives on the fifth and once again calls in the double of the six, the energy of the twelve.  This is the AMPLIFICATION OF ACTION!

March mimics the energy of the year as a support for the Birthing of the Sea of Neutrality through our CONSCIOUS AWARENESS. The Equinox will amplify this energy as a call to Unity and the remembrance of ancient ways and heart-centered living.  2022 is the year of the trinity that calls forward the full integration of Co-creative power, Energy AND MOMENTUM.  March IS the momentum and the expansion is gaining presence.

Invite the self-inquiry and smile as you gain greater awareness:  What is amplifying through my actions?

March Integration Practice:
The Blue Jewel Discovery
Spaciously invite your-self to BE… present… with your heart.  As you illuminate this heart presence, ignite the Violet Flame. Gently allow your-self to travel ever deeper into the sacred sanctuary of your heart space.  Deep within this area notice and re-discover the Blue Jewel.

IT IS…HERE… to assist you to move effort-less-ly beyond linear time and ALL distraction.

IT IS… your moment of Divine Service as the Manifest Action of ALL Miracle Activity.

Call out to the Blue Jewel energy and invite greater discovery of your life purpose.
Call out to the Blue Jewel energy and unify it with your Diamond Foundation Soul Code.

As you continue this process of discovery, notice the ignition of the next cycle as this cycle culminates.

March Ascension Up-level Dates:
As humanity adapts to the potency of the Full Moon energy, the GIFT is that we have arrived at   the moment of incarnating AS the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation!  In-joy LIVE updates weekly, Sunday Afternoons 1pm ET:  YouTube/OfficialSriandKira and

March 02, 2022: 7
March 05, 2022: 12
March 18, 2022:  9
FULL CRYSTALLINE MOON Anchoring the FIRST of the four Harmonic Flows of 2022
March 20, 2022: 8
EQUINOX as the Unification of the Tribes

March 2022 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:
The Code of the Soul is one with physical form.  Sharing the Sacred Union of body and spirit.  This illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “formed” experience.  As the energy of each month is revealed, Ascended Numerology also affects the physical body experience of the monthly energy.

The 2022 blessing of the HIGH HEART is once again influencing ALL that WE…ARE!  The Blast off energy of this month as the Six of Balance soars directly into Star Consciousness, is the Masters Call!
The balance energy of the second chakra is calling throughout the month.  Rapidly up-leveling through the influence of the infinite presence, the physical body needs reassurance.

The body is moving through the continual bombardment of mastery presence energies thereby the potential of “forgetfulness” and lack of clarity can also reign when awareness lapses.  The divine dance of creation is here and is HEIGHTENED through Mastery presence acceptance.

Are you trusting YOU?
Does the passion of another carry more passion than you do for you?
As you ignite your passion, March is the month for BLAST OFF!

If not now…when?

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March 2022 Ascended Numerology Forecast

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