Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

On the Death of Sri’s Only Son:Celebrating the Passing of Alden Larson

Alden in Thailand
With every birth there is a death. To face our own passing is part of the existential
journey of our own birth and comes with its own timing. However, confronting the
death of a Loved One gifts us with a hurt that challenges our capacity to feel
and be fully present to Life.

This past Monday, April 18, I learned that my 27-year old son, Alden, passed away
while he was exploring Thailand. The shock I experienced brought me into an ocean
of pain that humbled me in ways I had not before experienced. Grief unwinds our
attachments… The grief process brings forward into the light of consciousness
all manner of emotions. From deep hurt to fear to anger… to a sense of exquisite
vulnerability; the experience of loss brings ‘ordinary consciousness’
to its knees at the altar of authenticity.

An aspect of my consciousness knows that physical death is indeed a liberation
and a joyful opportunity to continue one’s soul journey in expanded ways.
Another aspect is uniquely human and challenges my capacity to remain present
to my true feelings. Emotional energy is a very strong force and our human response
is often to build a strong inner wall to protect ourselves from pain and a loss
of control. An alternate decision is to relax all agendas and surrender to grief’s
transforming fire. This is a fierce choice and offers a deepening, a connection
beyond any poetic assembly of words.

What I have witnessed in myself the past few days has been my surrender into a
transformational healing that arises from my human suffering. From deep within
my own subconscious, secret dreams and desires for my son have surfaced. These
dreams, now conscious are also dying with him. I grieve for the loss of all opportunity
to share more life with the boy I raised.

There is a day ahead…I can already feel it’s expanded peace approaching…a
day where I will anchor in the celebration of Alden’s life and the new opportunities
for expansion that await him. I can be more present for the communion that comes
from other dimensions once my humanity has experienced the healing that comes
from a heart torn open.

Spiritual work is paradoxical.

The ability to straddle our etheric recognitions with our density expressions
is uniquely the challenge of consciousness awakening within a human birth. We
came here for this! To fully be human, to let the grit of separation and mortality
mingle with the joys of the body and love relationships offers the grist for the
alchemical fire of awakening.

For the past several days I have found deep solace in the arms of my Beloved Kira
Raa. She is my precious nourishment, my stability in this time. I cannot even
imagine a life without her, for we are One. Yet, my grief is my own journey –
no matter how hard she tries to comfort me, the inner recesses of my heart remain
a territory that I alone must heal through presence. I have tasted the salty tears
of my humanness as I questioned my own capacity to move forward. And throughout
this process I have found strength in the expressions of love that have come from
Kira Raa, friends and spiritual family.

Beloved Community, we invite you to please join with us in celebrating the Journey
of Alden. As you gaze at his picture, may you find a moment to offer him appreciation
for his contribution to the awakening of human consciousness. And perhaps send
him a pulse of Light and encouragement for him to continue onward and journey
through the void of his own veil as he anchors his ascended beingness.

We love you! We are grateful for you.


Sri and Kira

If you feel called, we invite your sharing of Love with Sri Ram Kaa by offering a comment below.

184 Responses

  1. Peace to you and your family at this time…May you be encircled, lifted up, nurtured and protected by the angels.
    May you experience much healing during this time and even greater enlightenment retaining the knowledge that your son sends you his love, caring and compassion, and wishes for you joy and happiness as he is immersed fully in the light of love and nourished by its depths.

  2. Sri, my heart goes out to you as one physical being to another. The pain runs deep yet the spirit lives beyond. I rejoyce in your son’s life and the knowing that he is not gone, but in a different form. He is the energy we all seek and is part of the universe we work to remember. Sending light to Alden and peace and love to you and Kira.


  3. all the hugs and well wishes cannot erase…but better they should highlight the communion of love around you. Your light has manifested many beautiful things. Your son is always a fantastic part of you, manifesting over and over again, realizing you better and better…forever.

  4. Hello Sri,
    Please accept my humble condolence on the loss of your son, Alden. As a Grief & Loss Facilitator and a spiritual wayshower, the grief process is one of life’s changing experiences. The stages of the process are never the same and no two people go through this process the same way.
    My heart goes out to you and Kira–take this journey on your own terms, no one else’s.

  5. Dear Sri Ram Kaa,

    My heart weaps for you and your great loss. I have never read a more touching letter that goes right to the soul. My wish for you is that you find peace in this time of such great sorrow. You are in my prayers.

    Many Blessings to you,
    Susan Z.

  6. Beloved Sri, my heart breaks open for you with tears of deep emotion as you move through this process. Sending you beams of sparkling white light from my heart to yours as you are remembering again the peace that you are. And sending angel kisses to Alden on for his journey home. With deep Love, I honor you and your experience.

  7. My Dear Brother Sri,
    Although, we meant several years ago at the Broward County (Ft LauderdaleL Expo I will never forget the light and love that Kara and you eminadted.
    Your words concerning your son and your personal grief are very touching and powerfu. What comes to my mind if I may be so bold is that your son love you on such a deep level that he took on this experience to assist you in processing the energy created by this event for your great shift that is upon us and coming.
    The relaseing og these energies will captiplute you into the next realm if that is your desire. The end of one civilization(third dimension) and the evolution of the 4th dimension and of a new (5th) civilization as the Hopi’s and ither indegenious people’s have prophesized. It is all about oyr scension process and for the great Shift.
    You are very aware that something was missing in your processing even though yu are a beloved teacher and consciousus student!
    Sri, I would never want to mininize your pain and sadness but I do honor the depth of your son’s sacredness and love for not only his father but for the whole!
    By the way my brother David was diagnosed with an inoperative brain tumor. He is 57 has a wife 2 children., His spiritual path is of the traditional Catholic way. He is a faithful follower and a good man. I respect & honor him and the path he has chosen even though it saddness me. I just visited him and the sorrow and confusion he dispalys is very heart breaking! But as you indicated in your beautiful words with ever birth their is death. He has may 2-3 months to live! I send you and your family healing light and love!
    Your Brother In Light
    Calvin Cates

  8. Beautiful Sri,
    Bless you, bless you, bless you: you dear, deep soul. Thanks so very much for your poignant and heartfelt sharing of your loss, that touches all of our loss.

  9. Dear Sri, I’ll pray with You for Your son’s Great Journey to the next level. When my father cross the line to another world 40 years ago, I cried so deeply but knew that one day I’ll meet him again. And here is a hope- my beloved grandson is my deseased father and looks the same, got the same name, and love we shared in the past is much more stronger between us.You’ll meet him again in the time or very soon. God bless Your son’s soul. My love and sorrow is with Your family.

  10. I sense your pain and I honor it. My wish for you is to allow yourself your grieving time and to feel its deep transformation. You know that you are surrounded by love. May this be your balm. Deepest Namaste’, Sima/Rohana

  11. Blessings….
    Heart felt condolences I send to you, Sri Ram Kaa…….
    Though my ‘ involvement ‘ in TOSA is peripheral, I truly ASK Divine GOD to console you @ this time….and Always in Spirit’s PRESENCE !!!!
    Seek INNER Solace and Peace through this time….KNOW that Truly this anguish and sadness will pass on into Infinity….as another step to Eternal Life…for your soul…in the One SOUL…….!
    Love and peace to you.
    Namaste, Ciao !
    In INNER Light and SOUND meditation…..

  12. Sri, you are so amazing for sharing your story and journey through this process. Our hearts are open and cradling you with love and abundant support. We celebrate the LIFE of your son and your personal commitment to self ascension. I trust that as you navigate this experience you will continue to lift and expand. Beaming love and light to you!

  13. Sri sending you and your family love and light during this time of loss. Alden, may your angels hold you and guide you swiftly home. Sri, my heart cries for your loss and also its leaping for joy because Alden is home.

  14. Dear Sri, I am so touched by your letter. My thoughts are with you. I pray and send love, peace and healing to you and your family.

  15. Dear Sri ~ I am deeply moved by your surrender to the depths of human expression with the news of your Dear Son Alden’s passing. As I gaze into his photo I recognize the strength of the adventurer (perhaps something he garnered in part from you?). He has taken the leap out of this world into the next ~ where he is embraced and loved. I love, I respect, and I honor each of you ~ by your willingness to experience this release you are surely lifting countless others. May Grace companion each of you bringing forth a time of greater Peace. Blessed Be and Much Love to your Beloved One. SSuzanne

  16. Dearest Brother, I share in your pain, as I know first hand what the loss of a child can bring into one’s life. My daughter was murdered a little over five years ago,and the pain actually never goes away. I liken the experience to this little metaphor: We begin life at the top of a mountain in the form of a little and pure ball of snow. As time progresses, we roll down the mountain of time, picking up life experiences as we go, getting progressively larger. We feel the bumps here and there, picking up snow and stones of various sizes, but we take them in stride. Then one day, we run into a huge boulder, and it attaches itself to our selves, and the ride is very very bumpy at first, jarring us to and fro, getting in the way of other’s paths, as we seem to be quite out of focus and control. Yet, as time goes on, and snow packs around the boulder,making our snowball now quite large, the bumpiness gets less noticeable to those around us. Years go by and the boulder, still packed tightly inside the snowball of our hearts and lives, is still very present, but no one can see it. Our snowball is bright and white and seemingly fresh and solid on the outside, but that boulder of experience is still ever present.

    The death of my daughter, age 24, is that boulder in my life, and I teach middle school students, and love and care for them and my husband and two sons and daughter-in-law. But the huge stone of grief, missing my Katie, is ever present, and has become a source of connection to another dimension that I have yet to come back in contact with, but look forward to when eventually the ascension here takes place.

    Katie came to my husband a few years ago and told him that, “it won’t be long” before we are all together. As you well know, the separation is very real but not forever.

    Have patience with yourself and your son. There is no real fix, just stepping forward a moment at a time. I even noticed the chemistry of grief tears is different… very watery, as if our body is cleansing itself of the toxins of sadness. One thing that I remember is that when I am sad, so is she, so I now have to discipline myself not to indulge too very much… but this is 5 years… you still have time and the right to grieve. I send you healing love, but please try to meander in it as long as you need.

    Warmly, Karen

  17. Beloved Sri,

    Being in Alden’s presence for the past half hour as I gaze into his smiling face and beaming eyes, feeling the love and light that joins us, is an honor and gift. I embrace you in the infinite love we are and thank you for sharing all of who you are at all times. May the blessings of your love you selflessly shower on all of us through courageously sharing the blissful and painful moments of your journey return and nurture you a thousand fold for each of our hearts and souls you have touched. I love you!!!! Infinite waves of love rolling in, gently caressing you, Alden, Kira and all who are experiencing Alden’s passing.

  18. Beloved Sri, Thank-you for sharing Alden’s transition with us and for our humaness, our strengths and frailness, depth, love, and the things that connects are souls. There is so much to do on both sides of the veil. Its hard to adjust losing your children altho he is not lost just working on the other side for humanity and the Universe. His smile will always be with you. I love you both so much and send you a comforting etheric hug!

    In Love & Light,


  19. I AM With You Still

    I give you this one thought to keep
    I AM with you still–do not weep.
    I AM a thousands winds that blow.
    I AM the diamond glints on snow.
    I AM the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I AM the gentle autumn’s rain.
    When you awaken in the morning’s hush,
    Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I AM the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not think of me as gone–
    I AM with you still–in each new dawn.

    As Above-As Below

  20. Dear Sri,
    I am sending you and your family much heartfelt love and light for your loss. The angels will continue to guide Alden. Lets continue to celebrate life. Many Blessings Sri and Kri Raa


  21. Exploring Thailand! Not a bad way to go..obviously he was following his dreams and therefore spirit lighting his way. Spiritual work is paradoxical! I often feel that too. Just when you feel flying free above the clouds and into the universe sure that every answer you ever would need is just a blink away and then a new mix of energies comes and spins you around. Leaving you to find your way again…but to tell you the truth I am relieved that I am not the only spiritual human here. You are a normal spiritual human! 🙂 I wish for your son light and love in the purest way and god willing he find his spiritual way. I ask that all angels and light beings guide and support you all and envelope you in relief filled energy.

  22. Dear Sri – I send love and grieve with you at the death of your son. But this to comfort you, dear friend….you know that his journey is not over and your love is easing his integration into his new state as it is easing your pain. All is well in your worlds!
    Much love….Michele

  23. Sri, thank you for sharing your human emotions with us. I am sending you all of my love, peace and light as all of it is infinite as we are are all infinite beings of light. We will celebrate his life today and I will say a special blessing for Alden, Kira and you at Rian’s birthday. This human journey and its emotions are truly a blessing as after a great pain there is always a great release and a growth. We are here, we love you, you are not alone……

  24. Beloved one,

    Our heart felt thoughts are with you at this transitional time at the passing of the beloved Alden. we feel this deep within our hearts, as we are one. We celebrate the life and light he bestowed upon us whilst he walked upon this earth, and wish him godspeed travelling home. He shall forever be with you until such a time you too shall return to whence it all began, and there will be times of great reuinon and celebrations.


  25. Sri, I wept tears of sadness hearing of your son’s passing. Many aspects of our humanity certainly challenge us to be with the core emotional intensity of the human experience we have created for ourselves. I honor you for signing up for the deep pain that you must be feeling and whatever gifts this is bringing to you and through you to others. Love, light and blessings, Gary

  26. I am so sorry for your loss. I too lost a 7 month old puppy we had saved from pneumonia . She ate poisonous mushrooms and passed away on April 15th . It was like a peice of my heart had died with her . I hope that you heal quickly and have peace. You will be communicating with him as I do with my loved ones who have passed . Love and Namaste.

  27. Sri, may you find the freedeom of ascended communication with Alden. Now, he is free of all human frailty and fear and exists in that space of complete love, and connects with you in all the ways that are beyond the third dimension. I am on this same journey with my Dad, still so newly passed, and I offer you the blessings I am experiencing. Your heart is open and you know the way. With deepest love for you & Kira.

  28. Beloved Sri,
    Thank you for this beautiful sharing. Alden’s presence and love shines like the brightest star though the picture showing the amazing soul he is and how much like you as well. He is with you always. Having walked on a similar path my heart aches as I feel your grief and I hold you and Kira in an infinite embrace of love within my heart. What I learned as you so beautifully stated is death of loved ones offers a birth within us that is very personal and in time extraordinary expansive. Know we are many here for you, supporting, loving and holding space for you and Alden as you move through this for we love you infinitely. We are here, open, ready, Guide us.

  29. I am moved to send you all love and light for this journey of yours. May you feel the love that surrounds you and find peace in your own time. My heart goes out to you. warmest wishes, Wendy

  30. Dear Sri, I am sending love to both you and Alden. Thank you for sharing through your beautiful, honest writing. Even in this time of grief, you still teaching us how to walk through earth experiences. Bless you!

  31. Dear Sri,
    My heart also goes out to you and my tears well up in grief as I touch on your loss. I feel deeply that you will now be able to experience your son heart to heart in ways not possible here at this time. He will come to you, be with you, and comfort you himself. And Jesus himself will wipe away your tears.
    In His Love, Shirley

  32. Dearest Sri, The tears flow as I connect with your heartfelt sharing at this profound time of grief and exploration. Your words are a gift to my heart still healing from old grief. Know that I hold you, your beloved Kira and dearest Alden in love and light. Your love, support and mentorship have changed my life. May you in turn, feel the infinite love of all as you go through this time.

  33. A woman, full of sorrow and despair, came to ‘Abdu’l-Baha (Son of the Founder of the Baha’i Faith:

    “I pray you to remove my doubt, and give me consolation, I have lost my beloved husband.”

    The Master answered her:

    If you have a bed of lilies-of-the-valley that you love and tenderly care for, they cannot see you, nor can they understand your care, nevertheless, because of that tender care, they flourish.

    So it is with your husband.

    You cannot see him, but his loving influence surrounds you, cares for you, watches over you.

    They who have passed into the Divine Garden, pray for us there, as we pray for them here.”

    –Lady Bloomfield, The Chosen Highway

  34. Dear Sri!
    I am so very sorry to hear about the lost of your son Alden.
    I offer you my deepest sympathy with love.
    Alden is in the light – in his original home and starting his new life. But as you know, the veil is very thin now between this dimension and the other and I have no doubt that at some point you will communicate again with your son. It will be just a different communication.
    I appreciate you sharing this difficult moment with all of us!
    Love, peace and healing to you, Kira and your family!
    Edie (Toronto)

  35. Beloveds Sri & Kira, I hold my most Sacred Heart open for you and your precious boy Alden. May he breathe in and out with the rhythm
    of the Almighty Source and know his greatness. We shower you with
    the Love and Light of the All. Draw upon our strength and support in your time of need as you have given so freely to all of us.
    Tender Blessings of Peace. Love Sue

  36. Beloved Sri, As a mother of three my heart aches for you as you experience this transformation. Blessings of love and light are sent to Alden, you and Kira. Love to you.

  37. Dear Sri, My heart goes out to you as I am brought to tears by your sharing of your son Aiden’s passing. I am sending love to you and to your dear Aiden. May Archangel Azrael comfort you and your loved ones. I met you and Kira, whom I think is the most beautiful woman I have ever met, in Miami a couple of years ago. It is an honor to know you and I am grateful for your light and what you bring into my life. I love You! MaryRose

  38. No matter how deeply we try to live in spirit, as long as we are human we will suffer at times. Losing a child is something I cannot imagine. Yet I do believe that all things go back to Creator in the perfect time for their soul’s highest good. Your child is safe and protected and moves onto his next great adventure………I pray that sooner rather than later you will be able to rejoice in his joy………….as a mother I send my deepest desire for your healing and acceptance……………Creator is good all the time.

  39. Dearest Sri,
    Thank you for the beautiful sharing of your experience of your grief and your celebration of Alden. Surrendering to “grief’s transforming fire” is a profound gift in the dance of awakening and human experience. My heart reaches out to surround you, Kira Raa, and Alden in this time of transformation.

  40. Dear Sri,
    It takes courage and grace to share so openly.Your son lives and always will in a beautiful space of his choosing ….as God gives us the gift of free will.You have honoured that and done the Highest and best thing a father could do,which is to send him light.I know that anybody who reads this article will definately pray for your beautiful son’s ascencion.My thaughts and prayers with you and the lovely Kira at this time.May God grant you all peace ,courage and strength .

    Gita Singh

  41. On the wings of angels soars the spirit of Aiden. Celebration of birth – celebration of living – celebration of death – celebration of the circle of life on earth – For those who chose life on earth the ending is always death of the physical body back to it’s original source – Compassion for all beings is our gift from death.

  42. Dear Sri
    I enfold you and your dear son Alden in a bubble of Light which is pure and true and beautiful, so that the bond between you remains what it should be, ethereal and sacred and eternal! The human grieves but the souls remain always united in their journey into Light, one following the other, in their destined journeys!
    May you Alden and Sri always share a sacred infinite space together!

  43. Oh words…..Dear Sri…they seem so small and empty in moments of tragic grief felt in the loss of a beloved son. Your heart feels torn open as Alden lovingly separates from you on this human level of beingness, yet never being far from you. This open wounded heart of yours spills out great sadness right now, but grief is a complicated thing. It is also an explosion of love, huge love, overwhelming love for Alden. So much love it pains your open heart to open even more. We are conditioned to guard that open wounded heart as it bleeds love out, but what if we honored the mix of sadness/loss/explosive love, and place it on an alter. Tend that love daily, honoring your capacity to love Alden,past, present, and future. And while your open heart is sitting there on the altar, know that it is also a bowl to receive love. Kira can pour a big helping of “love soup” into it. (she’s got that recipe) and let all of the people who love you fill your heart with love. Honor upon this altar your vulnerable heart pumping out beautiful love for Alden, and pumping in glourious love from those around you, and let the Divine whisper blessing into it. Love to you Dear Teacher.

  44. Our Loves,

    We share the many parallel journeys of life times from the terrible to the joyful all for their gifts of experiences, perspectives and service to our beingness. We play the roles of each other’s family members in many worlds through out the cosmos to experience their dynamics and to catch a glimpse of our beingness, theirs and the oneness of ours. Be in gratitude for the experience of the sorrow, the pain of loss and the processes of integration for this always returns you to joy and the love of being.

    Happy Trails in Love & Joy,

    Paul & Linda

  45. I am very sorry for your loss. I cannot think of anything more painful than losing a child, no matter how clear it may be that we are incarnated, traveling souls. A child is our greatest attachment and our greatest love. My prayers are with you.

  46. Beloved,
    My heart goes out to you.
    My youngest son committed suicide Sept 20th last year.

    The grief journey has taken my to my knees and I understand the shattered heart.

    I pray for your son’s safe journey through the bardo and for healing and hope to you and your family.

    If you need someone to talk to, I will give you my phone number dear one.

    From my heart to yours,
    Rose Khalsa

  47. I weep inside to hear of your loss. I pray that you will feel Alden’s gift of love surround you thru the portal of his passing. Your profound and beautifull thoughts you shared are so appreciated. Bless you Sri and Kira. You both show us a greater way to be in and with light and love. Sharon

  48. April 18 was my 52nd birthday, and now Aidens as well as he is born into a new sense of being…I can think of nothing more painful than the death of a child no matter what our beliefs, heart of our hearts they carry us within them. I am sending all of the force of love within to you, your family and your precious Aiden.

    Peace be with you.

  49. sri…..

    your vast and heartfelt expression of your experiences surrounding this monumental event in your life, seemingly out of context, out of sequencee, and out of linear time, is so powerful and beautiful and human and godlike, it brought tears of inspiration to our hearts/eyes…..

    know that our blessings and love are with you….always…..and if there is anything we can do to help in the growing/healing, please call anytime……

    We Love You…..allan, bianca, and the bridging family…..

  50. Sri. I’m so sorry for you loss and for your pain.
    I know you have big love around you now and that that is what will remain.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you both.
    Much love, susan

  51. In sorrow we feel the unfolding of darkness.
    In darkness we see the unfolding of light.
    Blessed we are to feel the depth of sorrow
    for the unbearable joy of light
    can express it’s truth
    and we are made whole again.

    Sri, we share your sorrow and send love and light. There are no words I can say that you don’t already know so I send love.

  52. Dearest Soul,
    When I looked at the picture of this Beautiful Young Man, I saw a Soul, SPirit of Radiating Sun, filled with Joy and Love.
    And I saw that He made the decision to exit this plane so to be of greater service to those who will exit this Earth plane soon. There will be many to leave this frequency plane and He saw that many Souls don’t have knowledge, so they will be very terrified at a time of exit, so He Himself decided to exit the limiting body form, so that to be able to support many many Souls with His Love and Joy when they will exit their bodies.
    That is what I saw…Grand Spirit of Love and Joy…He will be now the Loving Sun to greet many Souls on the other side of the Veil! Many Thank You to You Beautiful Brother!!!

  53. I am deeply sorry and saddened by the loss of your son, may the beautiful golden white healing light surround your son and you and your loved ones and bring you healing energy and much love.

  54. Dear Sri,
    The sound of the laugh, the amazing sense of humor, love, warmness……all the positive and cuddling feelings stayed with me, after the women, whom I called my Mummy, left her body in the car accident. Only positive feelings stayed with me, as I was not able to bare anything else. And talks came right away, the conversations which I still have with her are amazing……we do laugh together, although I still have time to time tears in my eyes………but that is fine.
    Dear Kira,
    My heart goes to you, as I know that feeling when you would take on you all the pain from Sri if you could, but you cannot…..and that is that desperate feeling of our limitness in physical body…….but, you are there, beside Sri, whenever he needs you. What a GIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love, love and love for both of you,

  55. Oh! SO sorry to hear this news!

    My heart swells with sympathy for you and all those who knew precious Alden. Please know my profound wishes for comfort, peace, healing, and hope remain with you.

    Much gratitude for allowing us to be with you on this part of your Earth journey. Your authentic expressions during a time like this are just one more example of why your presence is so dear.


  56. Dear Sri, my deepest condolences on your loss, and I pray that you are able to feel the loving embrace of the mighty “I AM” Presence as you walk this moment of deep grief and vulnerability. Much Love and Blessings to you.

  57. Dear Sri Ram Kaa,

    My mother language is Hungarian so i am not even sure how to express myself exactly, but i am sending my love and support to You and Your Dear Son. I feel for your grief, and i am with You at this moment in spirit. I wish you strenght to go through this.
    I know that Kira Raa and Your friends are a great comfort to You.
    And i am sure Your Son will be in connection with You and Kira,if anyone have connection with the spirit world than it is You Guys.
    Much Love and Blessings,
    i honor your strenght,

  58. Beloved Sri, Thank you for sharing about your deepest grief with us! My Loving thoughts, and prayers are with you! I trust that your healing process will be ever expansive, and your deepest grief will be Transformed into your greatest Joy and Blessing. I know it from my own experience that these feelings are very available, as I myself had a Joyful experience when my grandmother died 12 years ago. Even when everyone else around me was grieving and crying I felt very uplifted. I was visiting friends when I’ve got a phone call about the passing of my Grandmother from my parents, which instantly brought me Joy. I was smiling, and quietly giggling and felt it hard to keep the laughter of Joy within until I hung up the phone. When my friends asked me what happened I laughed out from Joy, and in Celebration and let them know that my Grandmother just passed away. As my friends just looked at me, first I was wondering what happened with me, but quickly came to a realization, and understanding why I was not able to feel any pain, or grief. I was the only one among our family members, friends, etc. who wasn’t grieving at all, was not able to feel any pain, nor was able to cry, but felt only JOY, Peace, Love & Celebration, and I was very grateful for this experience… Your thoughts really touched me, but centering myseIf, and bringing the memories back with this past experience above helped me to transform my energies back into Joy before sharing here… Loving Blessings to you dearest Sri, and sending You, Alden and your family Infinite Love & Light!

  59. Blessings. I closed my eyes and thought about Alden for a few moments and I felt a great sense of Peace. I hope soon you will too. Love continues on for an eternity.

  60. I honor the god within you and the god within your beloved son, Alden. I honor your journey with him and hold the knowledge of the higher reality of your connection. I send love.

  61. Sri, your son Alden Larson has transitioned through a state of consciousness that we might call death but we all know death is only Life. So he no longer has his state of consciousness in the physical 5 senses but in the etheric vibratory field which is heaven. All Is Well with his soul. He’s made his way home as we will all do in our evolution…….

    Peace, Love and Light and Joy for-ever……..( :

  62. Dear Shri,as I read your words of grief, I cried with you and pictured myself hugging you when we meet in England. I too have lost close family not to long ago…it was your books that helped me navigate the darkest yet brightest times as I found my heart re-connect with gratitude and trust. Thank you and Kira for your beautiful heart Presence-much love to you and Aldan’s soul and to his mother. I am grateful to be present for you at this sacred time. Love,Elizabeth

  63. Through your beautiful flowing words I see the image of the Pieta and all it represents. Tremble in your grief as you do in your lovemaking. Hold nothing back. Sound mantras through the third eye to keep grief from storing itself in the body. This is an opportunity to BE Ascension’s Flame through Alden. It’s not a coincidence that Alden ascend at Easter celebration. He chose to be a living example. The Masters tell us that we choose our date of birth as well as our date of transition. No one assumes our child will transition before us. Now Alden can reach down to you from another dimension as he reached up to you when he was a toddler. Shri, Kira and Alden can now form a trinity of light and love from the arms of the angels that lifts them and all who LOVE. Thank you for your gracious gifts. I AM with you Always. Clare Candela

  64. Sri I extend my heartfelt condolences and compassion to you and your family. I read your comments and in your grief you gave me strength and insight into accepting an event that’s very intangible….Kira, your partner, has provided you with support that relieves loneliness as your son completes his journey, again my emotional & energetic support to My Friend Sri….gb & ib

  65. Namaste Beloved Sri & Kira
    Our deepest sympathies and love & support are with you. We celeberate Alden’s new beginning in the higher worlds.
    May his Spirit fill your life with a sincere love for life and peace within, which surpasses all understanding and joy that will touch all those around you.
    Insiah & Gary

  66. Beloved Sri, Thank You for sharing your humanity. May you be comforted in this moment of transition. Beloved Alden, Thank You for shining your light upon this world and sharing it with us, we will always be grateful for the gift you are.

  67. Dearest Sri,
    Alden’s light will go on for eternity but right now you must feel a black hole in your heart. What a special mission he must have to be called so young. You know the truth, there is nothing I can say. Everyone is pouring love to you and I will hold Alden, you and your family in my prayers.
    Love and blessings, Glynda Marcus

  68. My Dearest Sri,
    Your incredibly exquisite expression of the grief and beauty that you’re experiencing through Alden’s passing, has been a most precious gift to me, as I connect with you empathically. Although not necessarily through the wrenching loss of a loved one, the energy of transformation through death is upon many of us, at this time. Surely, your ability to navigate through these dark and excruciatingly painful waters to reveal to yourself and to us the sacredness and ultimate joy of this hero’s journey, must be one of your most important contributions to the world incarnate. With great love, I offer my boundless gratitude, and hold you in the warm and comforting embrace of Divine Unity and Compassion. When experienced together, there is no sadness nor fear so great that we will cease to persist, as long as our intention is to discover the hidden, multi-faceted treasures within. Through your lens, I’ve discovered a treasure of unspeakable beauty. Thank you for your amazing courage, Sri.
    Love, and so many Blessings to you, Nancy Bettinger

  69. Dearest Sri, As I sit here meditating on his spirit I am sending you light and love. May you feel Alden’s presence in each breath and know he is a light guiding the way. Allow him to show you with eyes which can see all. Blessings & Love, Kerry

  70. Dear Sri,
    I cant imagine how hard this grief process must be,I am sending all love and light to you. May the angels hold your heart! I gazed for many times now at Alden’s picture and i felt radiant joy! Only after I read the subject.. Still every time i look in his eyes I feel peace.Alden’s journey continues!
    I wish that you will find your peace soon. I feel honored that you share your most inner pain in such a graceful way.
    Love and blessings to You and your family!

  71. Dear Sri and Kira,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We were just talking about how losing a child is the toughest thing to deal with this morning. Our hearts are with you and Alden.

    All the best!

  72. Dear Sri,

    Much gratitude for sharing your heart & your grief process. Having only one child myself, I can only merely imagine the immense grief upon you now. Jon & I send our light, our love and our compassion & peace to you, to Kira, to Alden’s natural mother & all those who love him.

    To Alden, we send a luminescent golden light of freedom from density illusion so that he may soar, with light & love, into his next destination of choice. Our love remains with you and Kira, all-ways!

    Janet & Jon

  73. Dear Sri,

    No words truly convey the loss of a loved one. Some say time heals all ….I would say, loss grows ones heart in ways one can not know, ways in which only the passing of time reveals. May the journey continue to deepen you into love. Please know I am sending pulses of light and love to you, Alden and family.

    PS…Logan updated me as to specifics a few days ago…He now lives at my house.

    Big Hugs,
    Jewels Marhson

  74. Dear Sri, your experience in words is a powerful and touching sharing. I send my light, love, and heart to you, and Kira, now and all-ways.

  75. Sri. The love in my heart extends to you, Alden, Kira, and all others who are dear to Alden as you navigate these rough waters for a while, experiencing the ebbs and flows of emotion as you find a new shoreline to call home. I have not experienced this level of loss in my life, but somehow I know that a loss of this kind ultimately deepens your well of compassion and love for yourself and others. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher and guide and partner to all of us on our journeys to ascend in loving consciousness. Namaste

  76. Dear Sri,

    It is so easy to say that Life and Death are the same but when the last one touches one of our beloved ones ..we want to freeze this physical experience in one hand and not let it go…..knowing this is not the reality.

    Blessed are the one who has the courage to experience death of beloved ones.

    Love you and keep going Sri as you know.


  77. Sri,, I am holding you in a circle of white and gold light and sending you enormous LOVe and compassion. Kira Ra, thank you for being there in support. Sri, I understand your grief, and yet, I also know what a deeply personal experience the grieving process is. Please know that you are LOVED and APPRECIATED by me (and uncountable others!) I also send Alden my congrats for his soul’s evolution into higher realms and I also mourne his departure from the physical plane. I know you don’t need me to tell you this, however, please go gentle on yourself and give yourself every opportunity to indulge in whatever lifts you up, little by little. Sending you waves of LOVE, LIGHT, COMPASSION, EMPATHY GRATITUDE and JOY! Lori S.

  78. Blessings of love, light, peace and joy be with you, your son, Alden and Kira during this time of transition. Remember the good time and know the love that is between all of you.

  79. My Dearest Sri,
    I offer my deepest heartfelt condolences. What a beautiful treastie on accepting our humaness when faced with the loss of a loved one, particularly our children. My love and light embraces you and your son. My gratitude to your beloved for holding you in love and solace.

  80. Dear Sri Ram Kaa, Thank you for sharing with others this painful process that you bare. What encouragement I feel when I look upon your words of wisdom through such anguish and pain. I can only imagine such pain as I have a child of that age who travels too. You have remained present and accessable to others. You have shared with authenticity even though it would be easier to isolate oneself until the rawness lessens. I am so appreciative of your sharing words… beautiful words that hold your son with such esteem and love, yet give the rest of us hope as we witness your pain. Much love and healing light to both you and your loved ones. Love Laura

  81. May peace be yours in abundance. May your heart find authentic joy in the midst of a difficult time. As you have brought direction and teaching of truth to thousands, may direction and truth teach your heart. May this add to your ascension to an even higher place. Peace.

  82. Dear Sri and Kira,

    I am so sorry to learn of Alden’s passing.I am deeply touched by your sharing with us your deep loss and pain. I hold you both and Alden in my heart.May you be embraced with infinite love and light on this journey.We are walking with you. Love,Pat

  83. Dear Sri and Kira, My thoughts of love and healing are with you and your loved ones. Alden is a beautiful soul who has touched many here and will be continuing that journey. Thank you for the heartfelt messages regarding his passing. That will help many others. In love and light, Melissa

  84. So shocked and saddened by this news… Alden will not be forgotten and his spirit will live on forever on the beach of manzanita. Sending love your way. So sorry

  85. Sri and Kira, I am so sorry for the loss of your boy. I pray that Gods grace and love surround and comfort you.

  86. My Dear Sri, The Loss of a child is the most devastating journey a parent will ever experience. Alden’s age of 27 is indicative of his completion through his human journey. The Fires of Transformation in the form of your inconceivable pain have blasted your heart wide open. The challenge now is to keep your heart wide open for the Gifts that will arise from this most challenging journey you face. Allow the full experience of overcoming the illussions of separation, yet to be overcome, open new doors for you in the journey of Awakening as you allow the doors of your heart to remain wide open. I know the Strength of your Being and the Love from Kira, as well as all those who have come to love you Shall Be a Beadon of Light as you heal your human heart. From my heart I send true compassion for your loss. In the Light of Love Always, Wendy-Marie

  87. Dearest Sri:

    My heartfelt love goes out to you during this time of deep sadness. And it is with great Love that I offer you this poem:

    I know how it will be when I die,
    my beauty will be so extraordinary that God
    will worship me.
    He will not worship me from a distance, for our minds
    will have wed,
    and our souls will have flowed into each other.
    How to say this: God and I
    will forever cherish
    –Rabia (Persia)

    Sending you all my love,


  88. I can feel the pain coming to me, and I’m flipping it for good. This is causing a great shifting. Oh blessed Alden, his sacrifice (it was difficult for him to leave) is assisting those of us on this side of the veil greatly.

  89. Dearest Sri,
    My empathy and condolences on your loss.
    When the consciousness transition occurs, we must remember that we all have contracted for a finite amount of “time” on Gaia. I assume you were gratified with your time with Alden. It was a cosmic date, to be shared only for the allotted glimpse.
    We tell our “students” of the flux of all things, and we will be called upon to walk the walk from time to time.
    Thank you for all your loving service- I gained much from Avesa.
    All love and light to you and Kira!!

  90. Sri, love, hugs, and peace to you. What a reminder to us all, that we are still human and with that comes all the joy and pain, knowing as well as questions, the paradox of this life….a reminder to accept ourselves in the place that we are, to allow ourselves to feel, the beauty of sharing, all the gifts of this journey. That tears come to my eyes as I read and write, the beauty of the connectedness, the hope and knowing that we share. Blessings and comfort from my heart to yours.


  91. Sri, very sorry to hear of the passing of your handsome son, Alden. It is so hard to lose those we love so much. I am praying for both of you. Thank you for all you do. We met several times in New Mexico and you both are amazing!
    Much love and light to you a Kira,

  92. Dear Sri, Once more I honor your wisdom surrendering to simply experience hurt. That’s the experience we chose. Thank you for that honest and clear insight that shows how a true healer heals expressing through writing.

  93. Beloved Sri, I send my heartfelt love and support to you, Alden, Kira and family at this tender time of the heart.

    God Bless You and God Bless Alden! With Your Hand on Heart ~Breathing In~ and releasing with a deep sigh may you feel yourself and Alden basking in the Light, sharing this new experience with each other. Joy, Love, Peace: Connie Boston, North Carolina

  94. Dearest Sri,
    My heart cries for your loss and yet understands his gain. The most deeply tilled garden yields the best harvest, I pray that this painfilled furrowing will result in spiritual fruits for you and all who will miss Alden whose sweet spirit broke free of the cage of the mortal realm. I will offer prayers in his behalf, certain that you will find him again in the Sea of Light.
    love all ways,

  95. Dearest Sri, My heart is with you and your family in this time of transition. My heart is with Alden and will stay with him on this journey. I feel that he is happy and strong. His work is of great importance. I send him love and light always. I wish you comfort and healing in a time it is needed. Zadkiel is with you and always is. We must not be afraid of change. I hold you in my heart and feel you there.

  96. Sri,

    I offer my deepest love and heartfelt appreciation for the sharing of your heart and for what you are experiencing from the passing of your son. For the light Alden brought into the world we honor him and for your being present with your human emotions and the higher divine truth we honor and are blessed by you. May you find comfort and solace from his memory and from those around you.

    Much Love


  97. Thanks to Alden when I start to text the word text on my phone it automatically finishes the word as teradactyl. I think of him and laugh. He will always be in my heart and the thoughts will bring broad smiles and deep belly laughs. What more is life?

  98. My love and heartfelt condolences to you, Sri. As I gaze at Alden’s photo, my heart breaks. You are so right-what a paradox to be living. The agony and the ecstasy of earth….Much, much love to you all. My prayers are with you and blessed Alden.

  99. Dear Sri,

    I was filled with sadness when I read your beautifully expressed message of Alden’s passing. It is hard for me to imagine losing a child. There is so much we as parents give and receive in the raising of our children. There are the joys and the challenges all part of our child’s journery.

    Alden has come to the end of his earthly journey earlier than you would have liked, but in his passing is his rebirth and that is a joyful thought and happening.

    I recall our conversations so long ago regarding Alden and his and your challenges No more challenges, Sri, just peace, joy, and love.

    All love and blessings to you, Kira, and all in your family.
    Sandy Bothmer

  100. Not to mourn their passing,
    but to rejoice in their having come.
    Not to regret what was taken,
    but to be thankful for what has been given.

    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
    but by the moments that take our breath. (George Carlin)
    Peace! Steve

  101. My prayers are with you during this agonizing time. Alden came to me in a vision..radiant with joy expressing he has not left us. For many years I have told Alden to develop his brilliance because the world needs him, and in this vision he communicated that he has. Only Love, ruth

  102. Dear Sri, My HEART and thoughts are with you this day. It is quite a calling to the gift we call LIFE. May you be surrounded by the LOVE of your family and friends. May you find PEACE in his memory. Blessings Forward . Rita

  103. ~~dearheart~~may your ride emotions with abandon, your love engulfing and reaching out throughout the universe~~in the knowledge of a decision made within his heart~~ transmute the pain into the grace of loving gentle gratitude! ~~~
    may u be a conduit of grace. always.

  104. Dearest Sri, My heart goes out to you and I am filled with such appreciation for you loving words. When I see Alden, I am filled with a sense of peace, joy and complete love. Sending much healing love to you and your family. Love Always, Gillian

  105. Dear Sri, How eloquently you speak through your sorrow. Oh, Alden looks like he is full of light & love and so it continues. Thank you for allowing me & others to share and help with some of your burden of Alden leaving you back here in this earthly dimension. Peace be with you. angelheart Peggy

  106. Sri and Kira,

    Diana and I both send our deepest condolences. I apologize that I have been a little out of pocket but our friendship is enduring and you are both in my thoughts quite often. I hope that both of you find solace in celebration of an exquisite life and that you emerge stronger. My prayers are with you you, Sri.

    Ron James Diana Zitser

  107. Dearest Sri and Kira, may the emotions that you have experienced during the last few days and those yet to come be replaced with the lightness of peace. There are no words that can be said that can fill your heart….instead, I offer you and your family an energetic blessing. As I gaze at Alden’s picture, he fills me with a pulsing energy…it sounds like a pulsating Om. He is love…he is light. Many blessings, Sri and Kira, Love, Kim Butler.

  108. Dearest Sri and Kira, I’m sending Light and Love to both of you from the depth of my heart. I’m sending my hugs and prayers for you and for Alden Larson. May Divine peace and Divine knowledge come to both of you and bring you comfort and much support in this time of need. I’m deeply sharing your humanly emotions in the process of grieve. May that process bring you peace and many blessings.
    With love, Masha Sigurdson

  109. Oh Sri, feeling your pain and sadness. Can’t imagine experiencing all of the emotions and pain that would come with the loss of a child. Much much love to you, Kira, Alden and family. I hope you can feel my arms wrapping around you and giving you a big hug.

  110. Tonight as I sat at my Miracle Team alter for the ceremony, I immiately felt Loving pink energy of our Mother God, around Sri’s heart. Instantly,this light was sent out to the 1000 points of light and all our hearts held in this energy.
    As I opened my eyes and saw a message I printed out and hung by my alter,”The Heart of Oneness”.
    With the picture of pink surrounding a heart and points of light around.
    I trust my words have expressed this Miracle I felt.
    Thank you,
    Love and Light to Sri,Kira, and Aldon.
    Also to all the Miracle Team.

  111. I too had to say goodbye to the physical beingness of my son in 2008. Your words mirror my journey of the loss of that wonderful joyful physical personality that I thought I would have many more years with. He makes his presence known to me and his daughter often. Yet that isn’t the same, as I am human, still in this temporal realm. All our spiritual knowing helps guide of through. I have also found that the lessons from this painful aspect of my journey have assisted me in many ways as I continue this human journey. Blessing of Light and Love

  112. Light Begets Light begets light begets light begets light begets light begets light
    And so it is. ALL IS WELL. My heart, my love, my thoughts are with you.

    I am sending showers of spiral golden energy your way.

    With much love, Joy

  113. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is such a shock when one so young leaves.
    May you in time find a way to re-fill this empty spot in your heart.



  115. Dear Sri, I send you much love. Thank you for sharing, and turning this difficult time into a learning experience for us all! Namaste

  116. Dear Sri and Kira, my heart is broken.
    Is amazing how, or even deeper now, Sri, still teaching us from your experience and your pain. Alden and you are being for many two great masters.
    Truly felt your words so clear so profound and so wise.
    The great mission and I think the great lesson of letting go, detachment is something that affects us all.
    Recognize as human as vulnerable.
    The beauty of these relations of light, energy is that we need not personally know the other to love and to accompany him in pain.
    If I could at least for a while to load, Sri, this “pack” to relieve your pain, believe me I would.
    I feel your part of my family. and this pain that fills my heart with sadness and with tears eyes..
    Seeing the photo of Alden is easy to know which was the kind of person who’d always wanted to know …. that smile … that glow …
    It was certainly an evolved being … he learned better and earlier than us .. the true meaning of life.
    I love you with all my heart … and I have them in my thoughts and prayers.

  117. Dear Sri,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful words, and wisdom. I am so sorry for your loss. Losing my Mother was the hardest challenge in my life, even though we came one that day. I see her when I dance, Laugh out loud, and in everything pink:)

    I see freedom in your sons eyes. I wish we could have met. I bet he would and gave great hugs worth waiting for, & made me laugh.

    I send love and light to you both, and pray that you both feel our LOVE.

    With Aloha,

  118. Dear Sri, As I sit hear and read your message, having 2 sons of my own, I can’t imagine what you are going through. My heart and all it’s healing energy and love go out to you and your family at this time of deep sadness. I will include you, Alden and Kira in my prayers and may you find some peace in knowing that Alden is with you at all times now, watching over you and assisting with all the angels work. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
    All my love,
    Gretchen (Rebecca’s sister)

  119. I hold the vision of your son Alden in being on his journey in the Light and may those who guide you give you strength, light and peace.

  120. Sending you Love light and peace and deep condolences on the loss of your son Alden…and this too shall pass…love to kira too!!

  121. Sending you both my love and condolences. Sending light to Alden’s spirit too. Your work has brought me so much joy and comfort and I love the messages that you share. Peace and many blessings.

  122. Dear Sri, Thank you for being the Wisdom Teacher that you are and sharing your raw emotions with this beloved community. My heart is radiating infinite love, Light, Peace and joy to you, Alden, and Kira and all who were honored to be in his life. May we all be reminded of the resurection energy that surrounds us now and all-ways.

  123. Dear Sri & Kira,

    This is what I am made to know. Sri – you are doing a lot of clearing. Don’t be hard on yourself because you have wave after wave of grief. You are being used to clean up energy fields. Kira is being kept in a very “rarefied/pristine” energetic field, so Sri you are not to worry about her.

    Sri you are getting help with pulling off these energies — you are being used as an energetic clearing house of sorts.

    The most important thing is to keep your energy flowing. You are getting help from others in doing this. Kira is being very protected, so don’t worry about her just accept all her love and nurture while you help purge the world of this pain.

    As for Alden 🙂 He is doing GREAT on the astral plane!!!! The astral plane is such a sesspool and really weighs all us “in” body souls down. He can relate to the beings there and is being used to rally them.

    They are having the mother of all “farewell” concerts. Michael Jackson and Elvis are going to have a concert. These two men were very well known on earth and can still draw a crowd evidently. Alden is right in there helping direct those beings who are confused and stuck in the astral planes.

    I guess, just like we incarnate beings relate best to other incarnate beings, the disincarnate beings do better when one of their own shows the way too 🙂

    Hope this lightens the load some 🙂

  124. I knew Alden and am very sad that he is gone . I talked to him two to three times a week while he was gone in Thailand and still can’t believe . I trust only that God know’s better then we do . I will miss him deeply . The tears flow now like a river . My Regards to you and your’s . G.R.ZaZueta

  125. Dear Sri,
    Thank you for sharing your grief about Alden’s passing so openly, honestly, eloquently and authentically. I appreciate the precious image of Alden, allowing me to focus on his beautiful beingness and to send him love and light for his continuing journey. By eventually embracing yet another aspect of Allness, may you find peace on your path into Oneness. Although this is your own journey, I am glad that you have Kira for support and anchorship.
    With deep love

  126. Thank you once again for your full disclosure. Even in times of grief you are an amazing teacher. Thank you for asking for help for Alden. I will send him all the Love and Light I have within me for his continued journey. This is a good example of what a community is for. God be with you. God is with you.

  127. Expressions of love lost and found again as the veils dissolve and lovelight shines evermore. Thank you from my crystalline heart and presence. Your sharing and experience is supporting my journey. I love you and Kira and see you wrapped in the arms of divine fortitude.

  128. Dearest Sri, Our hearts have grieved for you at the sudden loss of Alden. Yet during this time of “resurrection energy”, he is destined to become a shining light in realms of Heaven. We celebrate Alden and his life. We are also deeply grateful and humbled by your heartfelt sharing. May your love and light show Alden the way home. Love and blessings, Anna & Peter

  129. My very deepest heartfelt sympathies on the passing of your precious son Alden. My prayers are with him. Anne Marie (Rebecca’s mom)

  130. Beloved Sri my heart as well as yours knows Alden is in our Mother/Father God’s arms and he is continuing his love service from higher realms.
    Trust your heart and know that it is God’s will to have Alden be in higher realms and help us all with the transformations we are going through.
    He is an angel now,embraced by the love and light of our true reality.
    Much love to you and our wonderful Kiraa.

  131. Sri, My heart is with you and Kira. My 12 year old Grandson passed a month ago. This feeling of grief is so profound but cleansing at the same time. While trying to write this there are really no words that can express the fullness of my compassion. Watch the sun set and hold him in your heart, you will see his spirit soar.

  132. Alden was one of my best friends. We never lost contact even after his trip to Thailand. His death has had a deep impact on me. I wish i could see the world the way Sri and Kira do. His death only brings sadness to me… no hope

  133. Dear Sri, words seem futile when a Loved One passes, Time lessens the pain, and memories give you strengh, because you got the honor to know this person. We can see you Sri, in Alden’s photo. Know that Joe and I send our deepest sympathies, prayers and light your way. Bless you, Sri & Kira! Love, Joe and Linda

  134. May you allow yourself to receive the prayers of comfort and love coming your way from realms here and beyond…. we lost our 16 year old…this past september and the shock and grief and blame and anger and mixed bag of emotions we experienced and continued to experience were quite and “opportunity” to rise above. It was not always possible to hold “presence” amidst all of it… so my prayers for you is that you are gentle with yourself through this process….and that you allow yourself to be human. (Even when it sucks… keep breathing…) You blessed to be one with Kira Raa and to have many so many resources at hand. The pain does soften and the joy and celebration will flow through….sometimes it just feels like its only pinholdes of Light… but the Light always prevails… keep breathing…
    May the “Peace that passeth understanding…” be yours more every moment… Love and Light to you all.

  135. Dearest Sri and Kira,
    I just returned home from Brazil to your profoundly sad sudden news of Alden and I empathize with some of the greatest of all human pain, that of losing a child for which there is no preparation. What you have gained is a divine sacred Angel guide amplifying and expanding the already profound flow of love, guidance and protection you have from the divine sacred angelic realm. I am in deepest honor of your private sacred journey catalyzed by this sudden loss as your already huge container becomes ever more expanded, growing the exquisite love you have and that you are ever more exquisitely into ever increasing wholeness of your I AM.
    With great love and compassion,
    Sophia Garrett

  136. NAMASTER – to you Both…Beloved Ones!

    All of us who have been Blessed with sharing your journeys, hold you and Alden in the Heart of LOVE-the Heart of the ONE. I know you from the ‘early days’ @ TOSA in Tijeras/New Mexico (and you met my Daughter ‘Lori’ in San Francisco a few times. May you ‘3’ Heal and Transform in the most perfected energies that Serve your Highest Good AND the Divine Plan! Loving Blessings…*Janara*/Abq.

  137. Namaste Sri and Kira,
    Although I didn’t know Alden, I feel for your loss. In our human conditioning
    it seems “not right” if the children precede the parents on the journey of mortality. Your processing of it is really an example to me.
    When I consider the fact that he was younger even than I am, it causes
    me to think and ponder. If there’s ever a gift in these types of situations it
    is that it can help us to wake up if we’ve been pushing the snooze button
    of life. We don’t know how many todays or tomorrows we have.
    Why not fully life? For this little lesson, I am grateful. And I am grateful
    to Alden, even if I did not meet him.
    My condolences,
    Michele Marie

  138. Dear Sri: I was stunned and saddened to learn of Alden’s transistion. The profound intensity of your reactions so ably articulated honor and acknowledge him and are a gift to all of us in the challenging experiences we confront in these times of accelerating transformation. Again, as always, I am most grateful that you and Kira are in my life. Thanks. Condolences. Love. Namaste. Ron

  139. Dearest Sri and Kira, I have connected with Alden several times, sending love, light, joy and gratitude. His loving connection to you has become more and more evident on each occasion. It feels like two have become one in a merging of paths/missions. The beautiful thing that I wanted share with you, is that when I connected with Alden tonight, the love, light, joy and gratitude that I sent was sent back to me in a Divine exchange. What a great experience. Thank you for the opportunity to know, be with and share the heart of your son. Many Blessings.

  140. Dearest sri + Kira, in this time of deep sadness and loss our hearts go out to you both. From your writing we know that you will come through the veil of greif in your own time and then you will be able to look and see him again with joy. There is no longer a distance of time or space between you. He is instantly with you showering you with love + joy. In time this will become a truth for you. In the mean time shed the tears and wrap in a blanket as much as you need. Love + Blessings. Asha + Gerry. Ireland.

  141. Dearest Sri – Your grief is also mine. Send you lots of love, light and peace.
    Thank you for sharing your son with us and for showing us how to deal with
    our humanity when loss appears in our lives. My deepest condolences and lots of love to you and Kira.

  142. Dear Ones, I Honor Your Presence and feel your pain; For the loss of a loved one is always difficult to an individual in this world. Alden’s Life was Perfect and he served his chosen path well. It is truly amazing the inter-connectedness of humanity, and what we are willing to do for the ones we Love. We are Always in Service-to-Others. Through the feelings of deep tragedy and sudden loss can we bring forth what is Hidden so Deeply Within, that part of us that says, “O Father Thy Will Will Be Done”. Remember Dear Ones All Paths are Perfect, and this to shall pass! Know that those who Serve the Light will Never Taste Death. My Prayers are With You. May You Continue to Shine Your Lights Bright Within this World! Many Blessings to You Both on Your Sacred Journey’s! Namaste!

  143. Beautiful soul, I’m very sorry for your loss. May he fly infinitely in reunification with SoUrCe. And Sri, may your tears bring forth transformation and appreciation for all the unforgettable moments you experienced with your dear son.

    BLisSinGs, and may Atitlan reflect his smiling face back into yours.

  144. Dear Sri, My heart goes out to you in your time of grief. I will hold you and your wife in my prayers. Love and blessings to you. Rudy

  145. Dearest Sri,
    I read your words and felt your soul, my tears to are human in compassion and heart of your deepest loss…I understand and connect with you and Kira, and thankyou for your sharing at such a vulnerable time, in the openess, that needs a truth of grief..I love you two dearly and have journeyed with you for 2 years now on the other side of the world. In your journaling and truth spoken you have brought great proof, understanding, confirmation in my process, and again you bring me to my humility and into my heart, in this saddness so true to you, your flow of Kira, the moment I found the 2 of you I knew I had found true family…Thankyou, and may each day bring ease to your torn heart, in the arms of your beautiful lady, (who has my heart & soul in known truth)..Namaste Maree xxx

  146. Dear Sri,

    My heartfelt love to you for your grief at the sudden loss of your only son. True grief is so hard to appreciate as a gift at the time, it is incredibly overwhelming.

    You are so strong to be able to share this intense spiritual experience with the others who so love you for both your and Kira’s service to the world. You are, even now, opening all our hearts….along with your own. Thankyou.

    I will abide by the wishes in your letter in sending appreciation and light to Alden for his life and contribution.

    So much love and light to you both and all those who love Alden.

  147. I will always remember Aldon as a young man and the many days he and my son Corey spent together.
    I grieve for the passing of Aldon and I share your grief and Barbara’s grief.
    I am deeply sorry for your loss and, indeed, for our shared loss.

  148. Beloved Sri and Kira…….I pray for you and I send all my love and light. We are one, please feel my love and support.

    Myriel mónica

  149. Dear Sri & Kira, I am saddened at the loss of Sri’s only son Alden, but I am pleased by the grace, courage, authenticity and eloquence with which you are sharing your experience and supporting each other. It is an inspiration and a model for all of us. The picture that you posted of Alden gives us a glimpse into the human that he was as well as his love of life. It is with love & light that I hold all of you in my thoughts & prayers. Namaste, Mary

  150. Dear Sri,
    My heart goes out to you during this time of grief over the loss of your son. Your words are a beautiful tribute to his life. I think the sadness of loosing a child is among the greatest pain in this world. It seems very unnatural for a child to pass before the parent. This passing pierces my heart because my only son is 28, close to Alden’s age. I know that I would cry many tears and feel a great loss if he were to pass during my life. My love is with you during this time. I will do a special meditation in your honr on the new moon.
    Love, Freya

  151. Dear Sri,

    May the experience of gratitude and contentment shine greater and greater each day as the feelings of sadness and loss grow dimmer.

    Much love to you.

    In light,

  152. Siri and Kira – I have been away from a computer so just now heard this news and want you to know I support you in thought/prayer. Twenty five years ago a very dear nephew passed on. Before our family was even notified of his death, Mark appeared at the foot of my Dad’s bed, smiling – and said “I’m ok Grandpa. Tell everyone I’m ok.” From reading the posts I know you know that Alden is very “ok”. Love and prayers, Carol Rose

  153. I was very saddened to hear of your son’s death. As humans, we expect to bury our parents some day, but not our children. I cannot imagine the pain you have suffered, but thank you so much for your sharing. I send you love and comfort.

  154. Dear Sri – my only son was killed 14 years ago so I know your pain and shock. These dear souls have taken on quite a contract with us. I wrote a book about it, Mothers Who Cry in the Night, to honor all the work that they do for us in our spiritual growth.
    I have connected with many parents whose children are on the other side. We have come to know that they have formed a huge group and now help many people – doing so much more than if they stayed on this physical plane. Blessings of love and support to you. Please contact me if you want a kindred spirit to discuss this with.

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