Miracle Team Message – January 24, 2011
[podcast]https://sriandkira.com/media/MT-1-24-11.mp3[/podcast] This week’s Miracle Team Message is from The Ascended Masters at Lake Atitlan Deep within the abode of the masters is the heart of the eternal divine light. This heart is a bountiful light that holds the presence of all light. It is beyond the definition of a world of languages that are designed […]
Five Steps to Recognize Egoic Reality and Claim the Joy of Soul Consciousness!
By Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa When the energy of our beloved planet gains strength and expression, our beloved bodies often are the first to notice. 2011 is proving to be a powerful year that is calling all who are ready to Divine Service in Action! Therefore it is only natural that ALL of […]